30under30 2012
Home 30under30 2012
Editors’ Choice: Simon Griffiths, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Honourable Mention
For a take on philanthropy that will stand yours on its head, meet Simon Griffiths, social entrepreneur and founder of Good Goods -- or, as he is better known in media circles, "that guy with the toilet paper rolls."
James Chalmers, 2012 Social Entrepreneur (Anthill 30under30)
Townsqr seeks to encourage stronger networking and fund raising for community projects at the local level, where donors can readily experience the effects of their contributions. While still preparing its formal launch, Townsqr will operate as a not-for-profit social network.
Chris Hooper, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Honourable Mention
Rather than start his own business, Chris Hooper did the next best thing and reinvented an existing one. Considering that most 25-year-old accountants out there aren't running their own firms, Hooper's partnership stake in Cirillo Hooper & Company has been pretty buzz-worthy on its own.
Patrick Hamilton, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Honourable Mention
The removalist industry runs in his family, yet Patrick Hamilton is his own man. Urban Moves came into being to offer more efficient moving and better prices to those with a ton of furniture and just more than an inkling of despair.
Milan Narayan, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Honourable Mention
Life coach Milan Narayan is an impassioned fear fighter. Through his program Dream Fight Succeed, he enables others to overcome their limits and reach their personal potential. The program's popularity stems from Narayan's commitment to continuous marketing and self-promotion.
Rosanne Sandars, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Honourable Mention
Rosanne Sandars is a self-confessed Webholic, but she will happily put her addiction to online marketing to good work for you. One of her effective brand awareness inventions was a nifty trend known as 'cupping', by which she prompted her Facebook fans to 'mug' for the camera with a coffee cup in tow. The cupping campaign was such a hit that other businesses picked it up.
Kate Stewart, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Honourable Mention
An event maker for all seasons, Kate Stewart has been jazzing it up with Bright Young Things since 2009. Her catering and organising staff, numbering more than 120, regularly put on one-of-a-kind festivities and theatrics to get people talking.
Skye Blackburn, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Honourable Mention
30under30 regular Skye Blackburn is a bug evangelist. Through her insect shop, Butterfly Skye's, Blackburn breeds butterfly colonies for weddings and festive events, and sells products like insect life cycle kits for curious toddlers and, more recently, edible bugs encased in lollipops.
Adrian Rokman, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Winner
Energetic, unique, crazy, fun, childish. That is how Adrian Rokman characterises the nature of his work. Then again, at Allsportz, kid's play is everything, and as general manager, Rokman is having a blast being the biggest kid around.
Flic Manning, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Honourable Mention
Evixa began as a dance workshop, and now Melbourne choreographer Flic Manning wants to bring her unique dance upon the world stage. Retooled as a full production company, Evixa is the birthplace of the style Manning calls Fusion Contemporary.
Editors’ Choice: Myron Festejo, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Honourable Mention
My Shout is an app that lets friends invite others to drinks, and conversation, via 'shouts' or digital vouchers that can be redeemed at the bar. Co-founder Myron Festejo is selling the benefits -- greater human traffic, free Facebook publicity -- to get more venues to sign on.
Editors’ Choice: Ellen Harvey, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Honourable Mention
As the 'E' in BnE Media (her sister, Beth, is 'B'), Ellen Harvey has turned a one-off comic-book into a business producing digital storybooks for kids -- featuring the adventures of the two sisters' six-year-old alter egos, complete with illustration, animation and hidden fx.
Nathan Murphy, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Honourable Mention
Nathan Murphy loves muesli -- really lurrrrrves it. MuesliForMe doesn't merely sell customised mixes to enthusiasts, it acts as a subscription service, delivering new combos by mail each month.
Michael Overell, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Honourable Mention
"You know how recruitment is expensive, frustrating and time-consuming for most companies?" asks Michael Overell, to which most companies will reply: "Word." Those with no frustrations to report have likely discovered RecruitLoop, a service that streamlines the hiring process using third-party recruiters and automated video interviews of candidates.
Nick Wallberg, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Honourable Mention
Nick Wallberg runs Tram Sessions, a not-for-profit with a simple, big-hearted mission: with so many music venues in Melbourne shuttering their doors, why not give the public more access to musicians? As in, putting bands on public transport to play pop-up concerts. Impossible? Outlandish? Not to this entrepreneur...
Kym Huynh, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Honourable Mention
Whether you know him as the one behind Native Tongue, WeTeachMe, iPlanking or dozens of other projects, Kym Huynh, 28, has always bubbled with creative ideas by turns empowering, uplifting and playful.
Anthill’s 30under30 winners revealed! [2012]
It's often said that there has never been a better time to be a young entrepreneur in Australia.
We have the economic stability, a soaring...
Mike Watkins, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Honourable Mention
Most marketers say they have 'social media experience'. Mike Watkins has eight years of it. Knowing Facebook inside-out pretty much from its inception has made the founder of Digiocial into a guru among gurus. Brand Temper is Watkins' latest innovation for helping brands to gauge their social media influence.
Leeanne Towse, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Honourable Mention
Newcastle's Leeanne Towse is teaching women of all backgrounds across the Hunter Valley to get vertical. The dance instructor is the founder of mPole, a studio franchise sharing a name with its signature contraption (and former SMART 100 innovation), a sturdy yet mobile dance pole that's easy to set up for performances.
Sheng Yeo, 2012 Anthill 30under30 Winner
A co-founder of OrionVM, the developer the CloudDC platform, Yeo relishes the opportunity to beat the deep pockets in the industry at their own game. This year marks his third consecutive spot on Anthill's 30under30 list. And he isn't halfway through his twenties yet.