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15 characteristics of great entrepreneurs. How many have you got? [VIDEO]

What makes a great entrepreneur? That is a million dollar question right there. It is literally a million dollar question because many authors have made millions...

Roc solid advice: Jay Z shares his top 10 rules for succeeding in business...

Shawn "Jay Z" Carter is an American rapper, record producer, and entrepreneur. He's one of the most financially successful hip hop artists and business...

Steve Baxter on how to become a successful entrepreneur and what he looks for...

Brisbane-based entrepreneur and investor, Steve Baxter has a long and successful track record with start-ups. And with his River City Labs, one of the most...

The world just can’t get enough of this Aussie grandpa’s invention [VIDEO]

With You Tube creating ‘mega stars’ of children almost overnight, one Aussie grandfather has become his very own sensation on You Tube – almost...

The co-founder mythology: Venture capitalist Mark Suster shares the truth about start-up partnerships [VIDEO]

While many legendary Silicon Valley companies were founded by teams of two, partnerships aren't without their problems, states venture capitalist Mark Suster, in this...

The $100 start-up: this is how to start a business with no money [VIDEO]

Fight Mediocrity is one of my favorite YouTube channels, I can't get enough of their stuff. I even shared a couple of their videos...

Are PCs over? Shelly Palmer talks about the decline in PC sales and the...

It was recently reported that sales of personal computers fell in the final quarter of 2015 to their lowest level since 2007, the year...

David Bowie allowed astronaut Chris Hadfield’s ‘Space Oddity’ to go back up on YouTube...

In 2013 Canadian astronaut, Commander Chris Hadfield made a sensational cover of David Bowie's Space Oddity in space - yep, the International Space Station

A top VC firm has put a start-up twist to 2015’s greatest hits and...

US seed-stage venture firm First Round Capital has built a reputation over the years for legendary holiday videos. It started way back in 2008...

The science of persuasion: 6 key steps to selling water to a well like...

"I sell ice in the winter, I sell fire in hell. I am a hustler baby, I'll sell water to a well," Jay Z...

Tick tock, tick tock: Here’s how to deliver a killer 30 second elevator pitch...

In today's ultra-competitive business work, one pitch can be the difference between becoming the next hot thing by clinching that big client or attracting...

This cup knows how much water you need to drink every day and will...

You know how they say you should drink a couple of litres of water per day? Most of us genuinely want to adhere to...

This surprising truth about what motivates us is exactly what you need to get...

Can you imagine hiring greatly talented employees, convincing them to work for free, and then releasing your product to the masses for free? Well it's...

How exactly did diamonds become a girl’s best friend? A lesson on guru level...

Diamonds are a girl's best friend, they say. But did you know that this was not always the case? Yes, there was once a time when...

What happens when we teach a computer how to learn? Some pretty amazing...

We all agree that computers are pretty amazing, so what if we taught a computer how to learn? What would that do? In this TED...

Does your business idea suck? Let MJ DeMarco, author of The Millionaire Fastlane tell...

Author of The Millionaire Fastlane, MJ Demarco shares five key efficacy tests you can apply to your business idea to figure out whether it's worth pursuing

What kind of person launches a magazine in this era when “print is dead”?...

Lisa Messenger overcame a lot of unhappiness to launch a magazine in this era when "print is dead". Her renegade COLLECTIVE is now available in 33 countries

All three Wellington start-ups scooped big awards at this Australasian fintech showcase in Sydney...

Banqer, Eight Wire and Sharesight, the three Wellington start-ups at the recent Afiniation FinTech Showcase in Sydney all scooped big awards there

Do you know why you are addicted to Facebook, Twitter and Candy Crush? [VIDEO]

have you ever wondered how we ended up with our heads buried in our smartphones? How did these apps steal our “souls”?

Of blind choices: Are you really in control of your own decisions? [VIDEO]

Back in 2009, behavioral economist Dan Ariely, the author of Predictably Irrational, gave a brilliant TED talk. Using classic visual illusions and his own...
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Do you have happy staff? 5 ways to improve performance [FREE...

When you run your own business, one of the most consistent and common causes of sleepless nights is the people you employ. But it...


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...