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Better service, innovation and value – data capture to streamline your business

SPONSORED: For small businesses, technology can make the difference in driving your company ahead providing better service, innovation and value for your customers. Konica...

Seven steps to get more from cloud tools [FREE CHEAT SHEET]

SPONSORED: For small businesses, technology can make the difference in driving your company ahead and setting you apart from your competition. But the challenge...

Naked Selfies, FBI and 4Chan: Should you really be afraid of the cloud?

SPONSORED: For small businesses, technology can make the difference in driving your company ahead and setting you apart from your competition. But the challenge...

5 Business Lessons From Game of Thrones. Is winter really coming?

SPONSORED: For small businesses, technology can make the difference in driving your company ahead and setting you apart from your competition. But the challenge...

Cashflow a problem? Just sell more! [CASHFLOW SERIES]

The most effective people in business are the ones who keep learning and adapting. In fact, the greatest lesson in business is to never...

Waste Not, Want Not: Swipe Cards Save Money and Time [SPONSORED]

SCORE A FREE CARD READER, OR SWIPE CARD, WORTH $500. Go on, admit it, you’ve printed something you didn’t really need in the last week...

Cashflow challenges continued… How to get paid on time.

One of the most difficult and often emotionally charged aspects of running a business is collecting accounts receivable. Yup. This instalment in our seven...

Four Page Digital Marketing Strategy [FREE TOOL]

This Four Page Digital Marketing Strategy was initially devised by James Tuckerman for clients of his Loop Online Business Accelerator. It is a simple checklist to reinforce the four stages of the Loop Digital Marketing Methodology. [DOWNLOAD THE FREE RESOURCE]

Cashflow dramas? How to get paid first and foremost

If you sell goods you have a supply chain in one form or another, it’s likely that you’re acquiring goods on credit and paying...

Want better cashflow? Think like a startup

How do startups make it through the teething stage, with access to little or no capital? How do some companies succeed in tough times,...

Have something to sell but hate sales people? You have a dilemma. This ex-bodybuilder...

Phil Anderson is an ex-bodybuilder who gave up the weights to pursue a career in property investment. So, what do these two seemingly distinct career...

Want to visit Antarctica with 117 other entrepreneurs? Does a walrus like the cold!...

The most exciting entrepreneurial ventures seem to be those that are born by chance. Imagine two mates -- two highly successful entrepreneurs -- having a...

Anthill goes global and causes some serious outrage. (C’mon! What’s in a name? Really!?)

You may have already caught wind that something major is afoot at Anthill. Over the past few weeks, we've watched 200 Anthillians happily rampage through...

This is the survey that astonished our founder and shocked our readers. Are Australian...

How much web traffic is normal for a business in Australia? What do you think is normal strategic behaviour? Do Australians really know what...

Do you know an Australian innovation worthy of recognition? [Nominate for the SMART100, 2014]

Anthill’s ‘SMART 100′ Index was developed six years ago to identify and rank Australia’s 100 most innovative products, proving to be one of the...

BOOK GIVEWAY: How to become a Key Person of Influence

Key People enjoy a special status in their chosen field because they are well connected, well known, well regarded and highly valued.

How to quickly create web content [FREE WEBINAR]

Here's a factoid that might surprise you. According to a recent HubSpot report, a business with a blog will, on average, attract 12 times more...

Want to turn your secret skills into a brand? [LIVE EVENT]

Do you want to turn your existing skills, talents and experience into a profitable business? This event will show you how. Learn the Five Step Sequence to becoming a Key Person of Influence and become a highly valued (and did we mention HIGHLY PAID) person in your industry.


In 90 minutes, learn three techniques to turn your website into a prospect generating machine. The Master Business Bake Up series is a cooking class... for business builders. We teach you a recipe that you can 'cook' on the day, in under 90 minutes, or take back to your business and implement later. [REGISTER FOR THE LIVE EVENT]


In 90 minutes, learn systems and acquire processes for raising capital in Australia, from valuation to finding the right investor. Get investor ready. Be prepared to embrace 2013. The Master Business Bake Up series is a cooking class... for business builders. We teach you a recipe that you can 'cook' on the day, in under 90 minutes, or take back to your business and implement later. [LIVE EVENT]
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Generating Web Traffic with Mark Middo and James Tuckerman [FREE REPORT]

Not all websites are created equal. That’s the first – and perhaps harshest – lesson when venturing into the ever evolving world of online marketing. Websites don’t draw visitors just by existing; they require love, attention and an understanding of how search engines think. In this Cheat Sheet, Anthill Magazine’s James Tuckerman and guest Mark “Middo” Middleton share their combined wisdom on generating web traffic for new and old websites.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...