
Home Events
Events, conferences, workshops and seminars for entrepreneurs, innovators and Australian business builders.

Want to turn your secret skills into a brand? [LIVE EVENT]

Do you want to turn your existing skills, talents and experience into a profitable business? This event will show you how. Learn the Five Step Sequence to becoming a Key Person of Influence and become a highly valued (and did we mention HIGHLY PAID) person in your industry.

What’s the surest way to get traffic, seduce prospects and build rapport in your...

In 90 minutes, learn the techniques that Pete Williams uses to create his content leverage system, to build traffic and win customers. The Master Business Bake Up series is a cooking class... for business builders. We teach you a recipe that you can start to 'cook' on the day or take back to your business and implement later.

Learn how to use Twitter as a traffic generating, rapport building new business funnel...

In 90 minutes, learn how to create a self-managing, self-building Twitter prospect funnel. Don't be distracted. Don't let Twitter take over your life. Learn how to use the world's third largest social media platform as a business asset... not a confusing, pointless time-suck.

Want to sell your business? It’s never too early to start getting prepared. [LIVE...

How to Sell Your Business. (Even if you never plan to sell. It just makes sense.) with Jack Delosa, Founder of MBE and The Entourage Here's...

Online Marketing Masterclass is back! [SYDNEY, BRISBANE, MELBOURNE]

Do you have a desire to get better returns from your website? Are you properly exploiting social media? This is your chance to get the foundations right.


In 90 minutes, learn three techniques to turn your website into a prospect generating machine. The Master Business Bake Up series is a cooking class... for business builders. We teach you a recipe that you can 'cook' on the day, in under 90 minutes, or take back to your business and implement later. [REGISTER FOR THE LIVE EVENT]


In 90 minutes, learn systems and acquire processes for raising capital in Australia, from valuation to finding the right investor. Get investor ready. Be prepared to embrace 2013. The Master Business Bake Up series is a cooking class... for business builders. We teach you a recipe that you can 'cook' on the day, in under 90 minutes, or take back to your business and implement later. [LIVE EVENT]

How to master the not-so-hidden art of growth hacking to accelerate online business growth

So, you need leads? What about repeat sales? Perhaps its customer engagement you desire? Who ya gonna call? A growth hacker!

Register for the Master Business Bake Up [LIVE EVENT SERIES]

The Master Business Bake Up series is like a cooking class… for business builders. We teach you a recipe that you can ‘cook’ on...


In 90 minutes, learn how to create a self-building, largely self-managing Facebook lead funnel. The Master Business Bake Up series is like a cooking class... for business builders. We teach you a recipe that you can 'cook' on the day, in under 90 minutes, or take back to your business and implement later. [REGISTER FOR THE LIVE EVENT]

Do you have what it takes to be a Super Connector? [WORKSHOP EVENT]

super connector (noun) | people who maintain contact with thousands of people in many different worlds and know them well enough to give them a call.They are widely respected as an authority in their field and are masters of word-of-mouth. They do not seek new connections, leads and business. Opportunities finds them.

Want To Spend The Day With Some of Australia’s Best Online Retail Gurus? [EVENT...

When: 11 October 2012 9am Have you ever wanted to pick the brain of an online business guru? Learn the secrets and Guerilla Tactics used to...

How to turn just one idea into a maelstrom of marketing opps [WEBINAR]

When: Wednesday 5 September 2012, 1PM Where: At your laptop, Mac or PC! Cost: Complimentary* Have you ever heard of content marketing? It has lots of fancy definitions...

SMART 100: Networking Shin-Dig for Entrepreneurs & Industry Influencers

The Smart 100 Shin-Dig gives you the opportunity to meet equally passionate and like-minded business builders. Plus, you can network with investors and other innovation industry influencers! Come along and ask burning questions, engage with with the panel and have your say.

[WEBINAR] How to get more leads, make more friends and have more meetings… in...

James Tuckerman is a self-confessed "lazy business owner". He's a passionate seeker of "cheats" -- shortcuts to help him get more done in less time. In this webinar, he will reveal how he automates lead generation and the tools he uses to attract business... in his underpants... while he sleeps.

WEBINAR: How to turn your knowledge into products… and build a global empire in...

This webinar is all about how to unlock your valuable industry knowledge and turn it into a product. It's about how to increase the value of your business and take control of its future.

WEBINAR: Want to be an A-grade presenter? Do it in your underpants. (How to...

What's the first rule of professional speaking? Don't do it in your underpants -- unless you are Superman, in which case undies-on-the-outside is probably to be expected. However, that doesn't mean that you can't learn the skills to become a confident, professional and outrageously awesome public speaker... sans dacks. That's right. We're bringing back Anthill's UndieEmpire Webinar series.

Aussie geeks unite! Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is coming to a city near you

Way back in the mid-1970s, when dinosaurs still roamed Melbourne’s outer suburbs, Steve Wozniak said to his HP boss something along the lines of ‘I’ve had this great idea: personal computers in every home.’ HP boss, in turn, said words to the effect of ‘Pfff. If that ever catches on I’ll eat my highly-flammable, synthetic safari suit.’

The 5th annual Angel Investor Conference to focus on sustainability of investment

Sustainability of investment is the main focus of the 5th Annual National Angel Investor Conference. The Melbourne Angels are inviting entrepreneurs to come, collaborate, hear about the latest industry trends and learn of smart investment oppourtunities.

Spruce up your video pitch for Innovation Bay’s next Angels Dinner

For those of you who’ve not had the pleasure, Innovation Bay’s Angel Dinners bring together angels and entrepreneurs. To date, the organisation has assisted entrepreneurs raise over $10 million in seed investment as a result of these dinners. (Heard of Spreets? Yup? Innovation Bay kick started the group buying behemoths capital raising endeavours.) If you're an entrepreneur in the high-tech space and fancy a bit of funding, you may wish to apply.
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Have something to sell but hate sales people? You have a...

Phil Anderson is an ex-bodybuilder who gave up the weights to pursue a career in property investment. So, what do these two seemingly distinct career...


How to zig when everyone else is zagging, with Julio De...

Why is it that some business owners appear impervious to business obstacles and upsets? In some cases, it seems that it’s the obstacles that drive certain personality types to success. In this CHEAT SHEET, we share five ways of thinking to respond to INDUSTRY, ECONOMIC, BRAND, SOCIETAL and PERSONAL shifts.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...