How much web traffic is normal for a business in Australia? What do you think is normal strategic behaviour? Do Australians really know what they’re doing? Or are they just plain naive?
These are some serious and common questions among business operators in Australia. So, we pulled together the linked short survey and asked you, dear Anthillians, to share your two cents.
To say that the outcomes were surprising would be an understatement. In the words of Anthill founder James Tuckerman… “Wow!”
[quote]“The survey outcomes revealed some truly exciting stuff and also some very disconcerting gaps in knowledge. One question highlighted one serious rookie mistake that I assume, based on your answers, almost 30% of respondents are making right now.”
“If you completed the survey, statistically speaking, there’s a one in three chance that you have already fallen into this rookie trap. In the survey, I also asked some questions about traffic… to get an idea of what’s normal and what’s perceived as normal.”
“And I gotta say, what you revealed was astonishing.”[/quote]
To find out what sent our otherwise implacable leader on this rant, watch the video below. Or, even better, complete the survey and, when, watch the video.
TAKE THE SURVEY: Add to the collective wisdom.
WATCH THE VIDEO: Watch and be baffled by your own answers.
If you want to attend the workshop described in this video, click here.