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What is Anthill Magazine? It's a fun and experimental (ooher!) source of news, views and opinions for Australian business builders. Sign up to stay at the coal-face of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Raising capital – Who gives a damn about the numbers?

People ask me quite regularly if I can look over their numbers prior to them talking to potential funders. I have generally been happy to do so, but the truth is that I will have no clue. Neither will the potential funders. And, most likely, neither will you. The thing about most new ventures is...well, they are new. So we put down our best guesses, present them as the gospel truth and everyone pretends they know more than everyone else. What a crock.

New invention foils paparazzi by automatically returning flash

New York University grad student Adam Harvey has invented an "Anti Paparazzi" device that detects the camera flash from one or more photographers and returns a flash almost instantaneously, ruining the shot.

The next person who says the R word is getting slapped

This is the greatest time in history and a large portion of the business world seems to be off somewhere missing it, with their heads in the sand. Stop it. Get on board, embrace the economic climate and celebrate the opportunities around you!

Every journey has a start

Today we launch a new blog. ‘The Entrepreneurial Truth’ is written by mag nation fopunder, Sahil Merchant. In this, his first post, Merchant admits that his new venture has yet to turn a cent of profit and offers his own brand of unspun entrepreneurial truth, direct for the coal-face.

Minimum wage freeze good for business?

The Fair Pay Commission froze the minimum wage yesterday for the first time since the 1982 recession, citing economic pressures on employers. Unions had sought...

What human anthillians can learn from their insect namesake

We've always believed that successful entrepreneurs have an uncanny ability to make the right decision, often without all the facts at their disposal. In...

Can social media sell anything but itself?

Despite having an MBA majoring in marketing, I fully admit to having a rather simplistic view of marketing: present a product or service so people can see what it is. Then leave the selling to the sales department.

Research: Caffeine consumption can reverse Alzheimer’s

Researchers at Florida's Alzheimer's Research Centre have revealed that increased caffeine intake in mice can prevent and even reverse the effects of Alzheimer's. This news...

Research: Caffeine consumption can reverse Alzheimer's

Researchers at Florida's Alzheimer's Research Centre have revealed that increased caffeine intake in mice can prevent and even reverse the effects of Alzheimer's. This news...

Your new business = The job from hell

It’s a familiar story. You, a technically-minded professional, leave the comfort of a salaried job to venture out on your own in search of greater autonomy and prosperity. Soon enough, you’re out of your depth, writhing around trying to manage costs, staff and responsibilities far beyond your area of expertise. Congratulations! You’ve created the job from hell. And it’s all yours.

Making your cash… flow

Cashflow problems often arise due to lack of understanding of how cash moves through a business and the difference between profit and cash flow. Here are some great tips to help ensure that your cash is flowing in the right direction.

Now is the time to lay the foundations for export success

It is easy to feel intimidated at the moment. It takes strength of character to weather the critics and follow your dreams. There are many choices available to cancel out the prevailing business sentiment. For example, looking for a new market overseas to sell into.

Threadless sends invoice to ‘some f-cker from downunder’

After meeting Threadless Art Director Ross Zietz in June, I mentioned the very avante-garde online t-shirt company to my local barista. Trent's a t-shirt aficionado. He...

Threadless sends invoice to 'some f-cker from downunder'

After meeting Threadless Art Director Ross Zietz in June, I mentioned the very avante-garde online t-shirt company to my local barista. Trent's a t-shirt aficionado. He...

Are assumptions killing your business?

Assumptions – those nasty things that sit around in the back of your head and stop your thinking going anywhere interesting – are one of the biggest creativity killers in organisations of all sizes. Chances are, if you have a problem you are trying to crack, your assumptions or pre-conceived notions are boxing in your thinking. Set them free.

Free is not a business model

Quite simply, any business without a revenue-generation model won’t exist over time. We only need look at the dot-com bust of the late 1990s to see this reality. The real question in the so-called ‘Freeconomy’ is how many businesses can be supported by the advertising sales model? Why the idea of ‘Free’ is being touted as new is beyond me.

Googling with Bing

Introducing: Bing - The easiest way to Google since Yahoo!

Handheld medical device named Next Big Thing

The winners of Innovic's International Next Big Thing Award, which identifies innovative products with the potential to change the world, were announced last Friday.

Pitch Club delivers a knockout to Melbourne

Pitch Club in partnership with Melbourne Angels hosted its latest event in Melbourne last week. Over 140 people attended the event at Life.lab in the...

Microsoft previews Wii killer gaming tech

This is what Microsoft is working on for the next evolution in gaming. Project Natal, as it's being called, was unveiled back at the start of June at the E3 gaming conference. It features controller-free, full-body gaming. If it works half as well as this video, Sony and Nintendo will be scrambling.
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How To Grow Your Business and Profits with Jason Cunningham [CHEAT...

Recorded guerrilla-style in the basement of York Butter Factory, the linked video course is a rollicking, authoritative lesson (with some colourful language, mind you) from someone who has been through it all. In this Cheat Sheet, we cover three hot tips from the lesson, with a focus on helping business owners grow and increase profitability: Why entrepreneurs need to think about “the end," why cash flow is king – no matter what you’ve heard, and why you need to have a vision for success.


Inbound Marketing Reloaded with James Tuckerman [FREE REPORT]

Leads always must come before sales. Then, it’s your job to build trust, educate, create rapport and demonstrate why your product and service is better than the alternatives. However, the tools at your disposal to achieve these outcomes -- to connect with strangers, to convert them to suspects, then prospects, then customers -- are constantly changing. That’s why we created this cheat sheet. To re-visit traditional inbound marketing strategies, and offer some helpful tactics to help ‘old school’ organisations embrace ‘new world’ tactics and strategies.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...