Anthill’s 30Under30 Winners Revealed 2017!
It’s often said that there has never been a better time to be a young entrepreneur in Australia. And this year's 30under30 shows how great...
Jeremy Hansen, 2017 Anthill 30under30 Winner
I'm best known as that 16 year old that dropped out of high school and started a PR agency. At first, the business started as a Youtube channel and from there I reinvented the business into what it is today
Erika Gleeson, 2017 Anthill 30under30 Winner
90% of deaths for individuals with autism is a result of drowning. Erika developed Autism Swim in response to this hugely underreported statistic, and is the only business in Australia aimed solely at mitigating it
Zoe Alexiades, 2017 Anthill 30under30 Winner
“I have created a new product which I have seen nowhere else, the product is laser cut artwork, which is created beautifully from wood and new age technology,” she told Anthill.