There are lots of interesting services that provide social distribution and the inclusion of interesting content into media releases. PitchEngine is one that springs to mind.
But Coca Cola, a company that often leads the way in marketing and communications, has a very interesting strategy. This video from a Ragan Communications event last month, has Coke’s lead on digital communication, Ashley Brown, share a bold strategy.
And, it is this: to halve the number media releases Coke releases in the next year. Then, the company wants media releases to be gone, completely, by 2015.
Grand goals but, it is forward thinking. Creating an internal news room, acknowledging the rise of social media and the suffering of traditional media is right on the money. It’s also good news for journalists who have lost their jobs in traditional media – there’s a new newsroom in town and it’s owned by the brands, not the media.
Brown also shares his insights into the framework the company has developed to create meaningful, shareable content.
It’s a bold strategy and one, I dare say, will pay off for Coke.
(Image source: Ashley Callahan at Coke Journey)
‘Kill the press release’: Brand journalism at Coca-Cola Journey