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“You sent what?!” Here’s what to keep in mind about automated emails during COVID-19

Continuing blindly with pre-programmed automated marketing and communications during a period of flux or crisis is not just short-sighted, it’s customer service and branding suicide.

Which part of the hiring process still needs to catch up with the rest...

Few would argue against the idea that the design of relevant, valid and reliable pre-employment assessments should be undertaken by specialists who understand the make-up of key psychological constructs that drive a candidate’s suitability for a specific job or organisation, such as personality traits, drivers, cognitive abilities, and so on.

Great PR is about kicking butt, not kissing it

I’ll let you in on a little secret. When it comes to securing the right kind of PR opportunity for your business, you need...

How to annoy journalists and never ever get your business in the news

PR and coverage from journalists can be just the boon a fledgling business needs. The opportunity to explain your products and getting you precious...

Will social media kill off media releases forever? That’s that goal of Coke’s PR...

There are lots of interesting services that provide social distribution and the inclusion of interesting content into media releases. PitchEngine is one that springs...

Are your approval processes killing your creative product, marketing strategy and budget?

Does this sound familiar? I can assure you that you are not the first to experience a budget blow out due to an approval process that got out of hand.

Is social media bringing out the worst in your company? Here are 4 tips...

Since the introduction of email to the workplace, the line between the personal and professional has become increasingly blurred. As social media becomes increasingly prolific in our day-to-day lives and its search engines more powerful, the potential of a private comment being unearthed and evolving into a serious organisational or even legal issue becomes a norm. What do organisations need to consider when trying to mitigate these risks?

Why I don’t trust brands… even when they appear authentic.

We recently got slammed. Last week, I was cc’d on seven emails in the space of a minute. They were all from Wordpress, each one a comment from the mag nation blog waiting for approval. On further examination, the author of all seven comments was the same person, and they had posted the exact same comment on seven different blog posts.

End of the Tyranny of Distance? Going global in the digital age.

The world is getting much smaller, which is a particularly good thing for Australia, writes Austrade’s Chief Economist Tim Harcourt.

Email marketing: ring a bell, get a food pellet

Email marketing can be tough. Your strategy and execution doesn't have to be that bad for it to shut down communication with customers. Here's how...

Email is the biggest time-waster in business

Michael Keaton, General Manager Lego Australia & New Zealand, is taking a stand. He estimates a typical office worker could save around eight working days each year by cutting the number of emails they send and receive by 20 percent, writes Persephone Nicholas.

6 email marketing mistakes and how to avoid them

While everybody seems to be talking about internet marketing, web 2.0/3.0, social media, Twitter, etc., many people seem to have forgotten about one of...

Cool tools fail to make clear comms

I’ve been around the communications game for a fair while now and I’ll tell you what gets my goat: email, IM and SMS are...
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Inbound Marketing Reloaded with James Tuckerman [FREE REPORT]

Leads always must come before sales. Then, it’s your job to build trust, educate, create rapport and demonstrate why your product and service is better than the alternatives. However, the tools at your disposal to achieve these outcomes -- to connect with strangers, to convert them to suspects, then prospects, then customers -- are constantly changing. That’s why we created this cheat sheet. To re-visit traditional inbound marketing strategies, and offer some helpful tactics to help ‘old school’ organisations embrace ‘new world’ tactics and strategies.


How to secure lucrative sponsorships in five steps [CHEAT SHEET]

If you’re running an event or any major initiative, you’ve got overheads, marketing responsibilities and a small army of people counting on you. And, of...


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...