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Here’s a PR expert’s take on the new and controversial social media influencer laws

Earlier this year, the Australian Association of National Advertisers ruled that From March 1st, any promoted social media content without the hashtag #ad will be considered a breach of the AANA Code of Ethics.

Pandora’s box: The popularity of streaming has seen apps overthrow CDs from the music...

The convenience of streaming has had divergent effects for the smartphone app developers industry and the reproduction of recorded media industry

Great PR is about kicking butt, not kissing it

I’ll let you in on a little secret. When it comes to securing the right kind of PR opportunity for your business, you need...

Who said only hot tech start-ups should make the news? Here’s how to get...

Does your business belong in the media if it is not a cutting-edge tech start-up or multi-million dollar global enterprise? If you send journalists...

Will social media kill off media releases forever? That’s that goal of Coke’s PR...

There are lots of interesting services that provide social distribution and the inclusion of interesting content into media releases. PitchEngine is one that springs...

How what we do offline is keeping traditional media alive [Infographic]

It may sound surprising, but there is this black box thingy in everyone’s home that displays moving images. It’s sort of like a computer but it’s a one-way street – output only. You can’t like stuff with it, and there’s nowhere to put a comment. It’s still cool, though, because lots of the latest episodic programmes come through it. It’s called a TV.

Should we blame Twitter for the rolling coverage of every disaster? What should television...

Is the real-time coverage of every natural disaster an attempt by television news executives to try to be meaningful in the era of social media? If it is, then I don't think the strategy is working. Personally, I blame Twitter.

Perhaps newspapers aren’t the dying medium we’ve been led to believe [VIDEO]

How often have you read a newspaper lately? I mean a real-life, ink-on-your-fingers newspaper? And, when you did, who much of it, and how intensely did you read it?

The economy is… wait, it’s actually looking good for once!

The prophets of gloom and doom suggest that the economy will struggle without a high-flying mining sector. But the fact is that the economy is constantly evolving and responding to change. One huge change in the operation of the economy is the trend for consumers and businesses to purchase goods online, requiring the goods to be stored and distributed to end purchasers.

Free news app enters the market… yes, not a pay wall in sight!

Local, state, national and global headlines are updated throughout the day for Local Today users to access at any time for free. Given the current state-of-play this is a valuable offer as most media outlets have begun to charge for content.

Brace yourself for the Digital Revolution. It’s only just begun.

If you've grown wary of all the New Media hype, put your scepticism on hold. Far from petering out, argues Paul G. Roberts, digital technology’s effect on information and communication, in all of our interconnected lives, is guaranteed to keep accelerating. In this first of two parts, Roberts traces the origins of information sharing from prehistoric times to the present day. We have come a long way -- and even with media communications more democratic than ever, there's still plenty of room to grow.

Who will own the future of media? If it’s not Fairfax, could it be...

It's been an unhappy week for Fairfax shareholders. And a disconcerting one for traditional media proprietors. No-one can deny that something bigger is at play. However, with every new disruption there is opportunity. So, who will own the future of media?

Show Pony Fashion uses social media to make $1M in first year. Who says...

Founded little over a year ago on the back of a credit card 'investment' Show Pony Fashion has defied the industry trend of sliding sales to post it's first million dollars in revenue. A combination of internationally-inspired, Australian-designed and affordable garments coupled with an intelligent approach to social media and ecommerce seems to have struck a chord with Australia's fashion-conscious women.

Is Ricky Nixon a victim of reputational terrorism? (What Kim Duthie can teach your...

Vilified footy entrepreneur Ricky Nixon's latest, most abortive attempt at PR redemption this weekend provided several clear lessons about the new art of war on the PR and reputation battleground. The most instructive lesson from the interview was when Nixon sulked that he was being unfairly outfoxed and out-PR'ed by a teenager.

What’s the future of media, and what are you doing in Rupert Murdoch’s pajamas?...

What's the future of the media industry, and what does it have to do with silk pajamas? Anthill Editor-in-Chief James Tuckerman joined two other captains of the industry in a freewheeling discussion. Their answer to the first half of the question: It's bright. The second half? Read on.

Why your press releases are treated like spam [Five ways to alienate a journalist]

Having run free PR and media leads service SourceBottle for just over a 18 months, I’ve gathered some rare insights into the minds of journalists and what will lead to a figurative black mark against your name. The average journalist will receive from 20 to 200 PR news releases per day. And, as a result, most are treated like spam. Are your media releases the PR equivalent to penis enlargement emails and Nigerian scams?

The 17th AIMIA Award Winners

The 17th AIMIA Awards have distinguished several projects and companies in the interactive media industry and as awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award to Oliver Weidlich.

Media Accelerator Program gives voice to early-stage media companies

The Festival of Media Global, organised by C Squared, has issued a call for media innovators to participate in its Media Accelerator Program (MAP). Participating companies will compete for one of ten speaking slots and the title of Festival of Media Global ‘Hot Company of the Year’.

The Rise of the Social Economy, Part 2: The new web and its market...

The web is no longer a digital version of print. It is the space where conversation is facilitated. Websites are becoming applications that feed information out to various social-based platforms. This means that most brands need to start thinking about their website as a database that organises and distributes information and features to specific groups within the world of social media.

Internet surpasses television as the main source of news for younger generations [STATISTICS]

The most recent report of The Pew Research Center for the People and Press reveals the internet has surpassed television as the main news source for American young adults between the ages of 18 and 29 years old. And this year, for the first time, the internet surpassed radio as the main source of news for Americans aged over 50, including the over 65 demographic.
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How to pitch sales and marketing ideas to your boss with...

If you work in sales and marketing, part of your job is to demonstrate your value. In fact, this is a universal rule in any workplace. So, how do you get the attention of your immediate boss – team leaders, sales managers, marketing direc-tors, the CEO or even the Board – to, ultimately, make your ideas happen? Check out this FREE REPORT


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...