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Tag: startup

Startup, then scaleup [CARTOON]

It's easy to start a company, but it's increasingly difficult to grow one. Everyone idolises famous startups like Facebook and Google, but companies of...

Startups are everywhere [CARTOON]

It is now so easy to get a domain name and launch a website. And then "boom" you have a startup! There is more...

Five mistakes I made so you don’t have to

In the business of starting a business, making mistakes is inevitable. When I started working on Boot Armour, I had no idea what I...

A cooking show like you’ve never seen before, but you’ll be glad you watched...

First up, you need to know two things about this cooking show. 1. It's a parody. It's as massive parody of every damn cooking show...

Which startup has raised over $500 million in funds? [VIDEO]

It's a startup that's promising to bring magic back into the world of technology. It's called Magic Leap and, it looks awesome. The company has just...

Quick, Easy and Super Green: Aussie Startup Pioneers Electronic School Forms

If you’ve got kids in school, you know how many irritating little pieces of paper there are to fill out, on an almost daily...

Five mistakes to avoid when starting a business

Over half a million Australians are involved in the early stages of setting up a business. You’re probably one of them! With over 25 years...

Why Startups are going to change the world [Infographic]

You may have heard of Tesla Motors, but have you heard of SpaceX, OculusVR or Rethink Robotics? No? Like the electric car pioneer, they...

From a boss, like a boss: Boss Camp Adelaide educates young entrepreneurs

Admit it: You’d love to walk down the street shouting ‘I gotta business - like a Boss!’ à la the Lonely Island. Okay, maybe that’s...

Senate innovation inquiry: the same old lines?

There is a saying, “a camel is a horse designed by a committee”. The implication being that each member of the committee advocates their...

Angel investment adds a little zest to Zippy

BDS, a Brisbane-based mobile deal and loyalty provider, is celebrating a $500,000 in angel investment, led by Brisbane Angels. The company will use the funds...

Seven of the most disrespectful things people say to entrepreneurs (and how they can...

When you start your entrepreneurial journey, all sorts of people will want to give you advice. Some of it (hopefully) will be good. Some of...

I am flummoxed by Ikea’s decision to force the closure of IkeaHackers

Are you? To fill you in, IkeaHackers is a site that showcases how people have taken standard Ikea products, and hacked them into something else. And,...

Four things entrepreneurs are really sick of hearing

Entrepreneurship is hard. We all know it and absolutely respect that fact. Entrepreneurs completely devote themselves to their start-up and face different challenges along...

Do you really need a cofounder or can you go it alone? [VIDEO]

Some of the most successful startups and tech companies have have two founders - Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak (Apple), Larry Page and Serge...

Want better cashflow? Think like a startup

How do startups make it through the teething stage, with access to little or no capital? How do some companies succeed in tough times,...

If you love Transformers, then you definitely have to see this boat! [VIDEO]

Imagine this: a flat-packed boat which easily fits on any car’s roof racks. There's no need for a costly and space-consuming trailer. It can...

Ten lessons from Dr Seuss on how to be an entrepreneur

I recently decided to start my own business as a virtual CFO. I’m a voracious reader and, as part of launching my business, I...

Fact: the best way to succeed in business is to be in business [VIDEO]

There are a million blogs, courses and people willing to give you advice about starting a business. But, this simple video really sums up the...

Why every business needs to have an advisor

Seventy per cent of small businesses that receive mentoring survive for five years or more, which is more then double the rate compared with...
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Plenty of recruitment agencies have tallied the numbers and found that the average dud hire will cost an organisation between $50,000 and $70,000, factoring...


Seven steps to crafting the perfect email, with James Tuckerman [FREE...

We are all bombarded by emails every day. We bombard others with emails. It’s a congested superhighway of e-promises, lead magnets and chit chat out there. So how on Earth are your emails going to stand out? James Tuckerman is a man who knows a thing or ten about online marketing. In this cheat sheet, he shares seven steps to achieve two very clear goals: Opens and click throughs.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...