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Google: Businesses lagging behind mobile consumers

The good people at Google recently released research offering insight into how Aussies use and abuse their smartphones. It's not a huge surprise that the research found that smartphones have become the technology du jour for most Australians. But have businesses stepped up to the plate?

Faster than Usain Bolt: DARPA boffins have created a super fast robot [VIDEO]

The ingenuous boffins at DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) have pushed its Cheetah robot to a whole new level. The Cheetah is a four-legged robot that looks, well, a cheetah. It has a flexible spine and an articulated head. A tail may come later.

Cashflow challenges continued… How to get paid on time.

One of the most difficult and often emotionally charged aspects of running a business is collecting accounts receivable. Yup. This instalment in our seven...

Don't build houses when you can grow them… out of meat!

In this typically thought provoking TED talk, architect and ecologist Mitchell Joachim shares some of his recent experiments 'growing' houses out of trees and... meat! Imagine using animal fat for insulation and "sphincter muscles for doors and windows".

Building a bike out of cardboard; another impossible dream is now a reality [VIDEO]

Israeli designer, Izhar Gafni cycles as a hobby. While buying parts for his bike, he heard about someone who had built a canoe out of cardboard. At that was it. The idea was in his head. He wanted to build a bike out of cardboard. So, he did.

Anthill’s 5OVER50 revealed! (2010)

Unlike most award programs recognising the achievements of Australia's most successful entrepreneurs, we didn't want the 5over50 to simply provide another round of accolades for the same small set of already well-known industry leaders. Our inaugural 50ver50 winners are five inspiring people who have uprooted their lives to pursue entrepreneurial ventures, out of both passion and necessity.

Design unveiled for spectacular eco-friendly Chinese sports stadium

Sports stadiums have typically been Colosseum-type structures, designed to leave an imposing mark on the landscape. However, as reported in the excellent sustainable design blog Inhabitat, Los Angeles-based NBBJ Architects have turned the stadium concept on its head with this proposed design for China's new Dalian Shide Stadium.

Pizza … mmm … Pizza: the beauty of efficient delivery in motion [VIDEO]

I'm still not completely sure why pizza can be the most awesome thing to eat, but sometimes, it just is. Usually when the pizza arrives, the last thing you think about before you tuck in, is how it got to be there.

Crowd funding – easy capital or legal nightmare?

Crowd funding has come a long way from its origins backing struggling rock bands. It has proven to be a highly successful vehicle to raise funds for disaster relief, philanthropic activities, supporting bloggers and website operators, political campaigns,software development, and scientific research. The next frontier is capital for start up companies.

First contact: what entrepreneurs can learn from a visit to an Emergency Room

Without meaning to, the team at Anthill has been testing the Victoria hospital system over the past month. Between us, we have clocked up four visits to the emergency rooms of various Melbourne hospitals, in the past few weeks. And, as good entrepreneurial types, now that these moments have passed, we’re stepping back and thinking about what we saw and experienced.

EU tells member states not to cut on research and development

On the presentation of the first Annual Growth Survey the European Commission advised the member states not to cut on research and develpment nor education. It also set priorities and proposed ten actions to encourage economic growth.

Retailers must think beyond traditional customer data to stay in the game

Software solutions provider Pitney Bowes has laid down the law regarding customer data for the retail industry. Perhaps you’ve been labouring under the delusion that old-school broad customer data will do the trick when it comes to growing your retail business. I'm afraid not.

Does this company deserve $100k in seed funding? Heck, yeah!

Australia's richest business plan competition, offering $100,000 for one savvy Australian business, reached its conclusion at the Queensland State Library in Brisbane last Wednesday night. Does this company deserve $100k in seed funding? Heck, yeah! Now watch the clip.

The 10 Dumbest Business Moments for 2009. It’s time to vote!

Two weeks ago, we asked our readers to help us assemble our annual Dumb Report, a selection of Australian goofs, gaffs and groaners from...

Do you know an Australian innovation worthy of recognition? [Nominate for the SMART100, 2014]

Anthill’s ‘SMART 100′ Index was developed six years ago to identify and rank Australia’s 100 most innovative products, proving to be one of the...

Do you know the art of staff scheduling? Are you making the most of...

For most employers, staff scheduling is an ever-present drag. And it’s safe to say that without a strategy in place, most managers will face inevitable headaches.

Are you a winner or a loser?

The wise words of Rosabeth Moss Kanter ring true for every entrepreneur: Everything can look like a failure in the middle. But winners must lose some of the time. How do you know if you, or your company, is a winner or a loser?

Apps to help businesses plan, impress dates, annotate fridges and fill bars; all winners...

So, who won the big prizes at the Sydney Hackathon? Apps that help everything from planning a great date, to organising the internet were awarded. Plus, Eric Bae shares his five point success plan that helped him score the major award and a $10,000 investment.

Fatigued by sexy ads? Six sneaky methods marketers use on Facebook

The goal for every marketer who uses Facebook is twofold: first, to find creative ways for their target audience to ‘Like’ their page and secondly to engage with the content on their wall. Many times, that can involve some questionable methods for winning consumers over.

A revolution in nanotech helps create a new vaccine delivery system that could literally...

The Nanopatch, a revolutionary new needle-free device for delivering vaccines, has won a $15 million capital injection (pun intended), but also was an award winner at World Vaccine Congress. After eight years of research, the Nanopatch looks set to revolutionise vaccination delivery forever.
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The Top 5 Most Insanely Dumb Mistakes made by Rookie and...

LinkedIn is a professional and commercial platform. What you do on LinkedIn matters: it really matters, and if you’re not careful, your actions can backfire and tarnish your brand and your integrity. We're going to throw out a wild guess and say that you don’t want to get burned by your mistakes. Fair enough. This FREE REPORT from David Hobson has the five most common LinkedIn mistakes and what you can do to avoid them.



Most small business owners get caught up in the minutiae of a business. They become trapped like a hamster in a wheel, spinning, spinning, spinning,...


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...