Tag: recruitment
The little guy takes on three industry Goliaths. Is JobFlex the David of the...
Having been involved in the recruitment industry for the past 15 years, I have been a user and advertiser on Australian job boards for...
What was your most interesting job interview? I bet it wasn’t quite as unpredictable...
Heineken received 1,734 applications for a starter role at the company. Rather than asking the same standard questions and getting mediocre, repetitive answers, the company did something different to identify the right person for the job.
Ten steps to becoming a killer in-house social recruitment ninja
When you are recruiting to fill a position, your first and biggest concern is attracting the right candidates in the first place, right? However, it’s also the most expensive. So how do you attract the crème-de-la-crème without breaking the bank, while building a strong employer brand at the same time? Spinach maybe? No, leave that for Popeye.
It’s a bird. No, it’s a plane. No, it’s our new hero – a...
Gap a Job – a new, innovative casual job network that helps people find and advertise casual work is here. Focusing on small to medium size business, this fresh start-up aims to facilitate the relationship between employers and casual workers.
How to recruit staff for your small business
With limited time and resources, recruiting staff in a small business is challenging. While recruitment agencies offer comprehensive end-to-end management of the process, for small businesses price can often be an issue.
Four proven ways to annoy headhunters (and never get that job)
Us headhunters cop a lot of criticism about the quality of service we deliver. Much of it justified. Recruitment is a service-based industry led by sales people who are sometimes struggling to make commissions. When struggling sales people work with vulnerable jobs seekers, it’s a recipe ripe for unhappiness all round.
Should you go with your gut instinct when hiring staff?
Every manager knows that hiring great people can deliver a competitive advantage – but that getting it wrong can set both you and your business back. With so much riding on selecting the right person, it’s surprising that so many experienced managers are prepared to rely on something as risky and unstructured as “gut feel” to determine who will join their organisation. So to what extent can our intuition help us in choosing the right person – and more importantly, what are the risks?
Morale versus Execution: What’s more important to your team?
Morale -- the esprit de corps or "spirit of the body" -- is the capacity of a group of people to hold a common spirit of loyalty and comradeship. We think of morale as being deep-seated in the psyche of the individual or group. Execution, on the other hand, is the process of reaching an objective as the result of performance. A team's ability to execute is more of a surface measurement that's easily evaluated by an outside observer. Morale and execution are the cornerstones of any organisation.
Do you have ‘who’ it takes? Successful businesses need ‘improvers’ on the payroll.
The gap between what your people are paid and the value they deliver determines people performance and company profit. Do you have who it takes? Andrew Horsfield delivers some hard truths.
When hiring salespeople, make them give you 35 reasons why they want to work...
At sometime during the recruitment process, ask the candidate to write down 35 reasons why they want to be a salesperson within your company. Allow up to 15 minutes for this process alone. I’ve conducted this exercise with hundreds of sales consultants. A common theme is that by the time they reach around the 15th reason they get stuck. Why? Because the first 15 reasons are typically high level and relatively easy to communicate.
Shape up, bosses, or your talent will ship out (and other workplace tips for...
Many Australian companies don’t even provide regular feedback to their staff, let alone have a formal employee development program. This is a costly mistake. As busy managers give less and less time to developing their people, companies are losing the very employees they need to succeed in the long term.
Unfair dismissal laws introduce new definition for ‘small business’ placing more business owners under...
More small businesses now fall under the national government definition of "small businesses", thanks to laws that came into force on 1 January 2011. This means that countless more entrepreneurs will now need to follow federal rules against unfair dismissal. Are you a small business according to the new definition?
Now, this guy knows how to apply for a job!
The following clip takes the job application process to another level. The work of a Monash student and aspiring Junior Project Manager, it was submitted to Pollenizer and posted for all to see on YouTube. It was soon after spotted by MitchelLake and posted on the recruitment outfit's homepage. What's the moral of the story?
Cyber-security firm takes top honors at Telstra Business Awards
A vigilant cybersecurity consultant in Sydney, a self-made-man success story out of Darwin, and a tiny but persistent teacher-recruiting outfit in suburban Adelaide are among this year's winners of the Telstra Business Awards.
Hey, sweet video! Now, will you hire me? Five of the best (and worst)...
Innovative businesses know they need to use innovative means to attract innovative talent. Prompted by Twitter's recent foray into viral video recruitment, we decided to assemble five of our favourite recruitment videos from the not too distant past (including those that are so bad, they're kind of good).
How to 'Win that Job': Paul Lyons on the Australian recruitment market
Recruitment company Ambition’s chief executive Paul Lyons talks about the Australian recruitment market and skills shortages. Gen Y and Baby-Boomers might have more in common than you think.
How to ‘Win that Job’: Paul Lyons on the Australian recruitment market
Recruitment company Ambition’s chief executive Paul Lyons talks about the Australian recruitment market and skills shortages. Gen Y and Baby-Boomers might have more in common than you think.
Research: high income earners happy but lack employer loyalty
In February, top level recruitment site Six Figures published its 2010 Executive Career Monitor Report. The report was compiled from a survey in late 2009 (in conjunction with talent site Destination Talent) of 1,332 Australian high income earners, with the findings being released at a breakfast meeting in Melbourne on 2nd March.
Website of the Week: The Loop helps creative people sell themselves
Creative industries have changed dramatically over the past decade, but unfortunately the options for creative professionals to showcase their talent to peers and prospective employers hasn’t. Until now.
Feature: Employer exploitation of foreign students in Australia is rife
With visiting foreigners comprising up to one-third of all higher education students in New South Wales and Victoria, it’s clear that educating international students is big business in Australia. However, as Matthew da Silva and Mingming Feng report, Australia’s educational institutions have far more appetite for international student tuition than local employers have for hiring these students as legitimate employees, causing young foreigners to reconsider Australia as their educational destination of choice.