McLaren is a legendary name in Formula 1 motor racing. Some are also owned by some of the most interesting people. Rowan Atkinson, Mr Bean to some, is famous for crashing his McLaren 2011, leaving his insurance company with a $1.4 million repair bill. He’s famous for it as it’s the second time he’s crashed the car.
Bruce McLaren himself, is a legend. It’s been 50 years since he founded the motorsport company that bears his name. It’s almost 43 years since he was killed when one of his new vehicles crashed during testing.
So, in seven short years McLaren built a legacy that has lasted for generations. He started a revolution.
In his early years, while testing a vehicle, he became annoyed by fuel flap vibrating when he hit top speeds. It was this annoyance that triggered his first big idea about how to revolutionise his vehicles and, thus, his sport.
This is moving tribute to McLaren, by the company that is his legacy to celebrate its 50 years in driving innovation.
In short, it can be summed up by what should be the epitaph for Bruce McLaren, the crazy New Zealander entrepreneur who changed motor racing and high performance vehicle design.
To do something well is so worthwhile.
To die trying to do it better, cannot be foolhardy.
Indeed, life is not measured in years alone,
but in achievement.