Comic Sans.
It’s the most hated font ever.
Apparently, it is the second most complained about thing on Twitter, just behind Justin Beiber but, ahead of airlines!
That’s a lot of hate.
And, if the Internet has taught us anything, it’s that haters gotta hate.
The British Dyslexia Association has found that Comic Sans is particularly readable for children because it’s letters are easily distinguishable from each other.
In this video from Vsauce, you’ll learn a quick history of fonts and, in particular Comic Sans. Would you believe Microsoft was involved? Plus, the Australian Embassy in Europe gets a special mention!
Is hating Comic Sans so common that it’s now cool? Is it as ugly as Papyrus font? Is it simply a matter of font snobbery? Or, does Comic Sans have a rightful place in the world of design? This video covers it all.
A defense of Comic Sans