If you want some start-up “radvice”, regular Anthill blogger, Rentoid founder and all-round social media maven Steve Sammartino is inviting you to join him tonight at 7.30pm as he trials twitcam.com to discuss and share common entrepreneurial issues and causes for concern.
Sammartino will be running a live “Q&A” session for start-ups, entrepreneurs and “anyone who has got something to say on Wednesday night at 7.30pm.”
Sammartino launched his first live session on Twitcam last week, as an unplanned, “spur of the moment thing”.
“The net result was almost two hours of interaction,” says Sammartino. “Over 50 people joined the discussion after simply finding the links and questions being posted on Twitter. ”
Twitcam combines the viral effects of Twitter with the live streaming capabilities of LiveStream.com, to create “a classic integration of two very useful technologies.”
The theme of Wednesday night’s discussion is: Ask Steve a burning question you have about your business or start up.
Here’s how you can get involved:
1. Set up a Twitter profile (if you don’t already have one).
2. Follow @sammartino and at 7.30pm Wednesday night (tonight).
3. Follow the link posted to you on your Twitter feed.