Old technology and death-by-meetings: Why the Australian workforce is losing the productivity battle

Organisations of all sizes, from large multinationals to burgeoning startups, are spending boatloads of cash on solutions aimed at simplifying collaboration...

Here 5 lessons from an expert on why the best entrepreneurs always experiment

Now is not a good time to be in the prediction business. So many attempts to foretell the future go horribly wrong....

Here are four ways how you can turn your love of sport into business...

Today, Australian entrepreneurship is on the up, while our enthusiasm for football, cricket, rugby, tennis and all the rest remains undiminished.

Here are seven quick hacks to help your small business rise higher this Easter

The festive period is a great opportunity for small businesses, across all industries, to use the long weekend to take stock, look ahead to the end of the financial year and get your small business hopping.

Do you have a grant application in the works? Here is a handful of...

Many companies will often lament the lack of funding in their sector, or the impossibly-strict development window they are supposed to slot...

Here are five tips for your business to break into the international market

Only 20 per cent of Australian companies that expand overseas succeed on a sustainable basis, according to Fidelity Future Leaders Fund.

What every business can learn from Tinder about client relationships

Every business’s right to exist lies in the problems it solves. You have to be valuable to your target markets. Before...

Here are five social media marketing developments to watch in 2019

Barely a week went by in 2018 without news of a social media update, announcement and security breach. While keeping on top...

How can you help your business boom in foreign markets?

Taking your small business to the international stage can be very challenging particularly considering your small budget, limited international exposure, and economic uncertainties in...

Why B2B businesses should incorporate inbound marketing into their email strategy

Email marketing has a ROI of a whopping 124 percent and that is why it has undoubtedly emerged as one of the best marketing...

Here is how you can spot a business opportunity no one else sees

If it seems the world is lacking in opportunity, it’s time to clean your glasses and check again. In a competitive business world, an...

How to capitalise on your media event: rise of the Video News Releases (VNRs)

Businesses are now turning to Video News Releases (VNRs) to ensure their brand achieves publicity. VNRs also offer an opportunity to gain coverage further afield, regionally and nationally.

Here are five good reasons why you should let your staff use social media...

Millennials will soon become the biggest employee group in the world and they are a segment which has grown up using digital technology. Millennials communicate...

The rise of the ‘techountant’: how tech is changing the role of accountants in...

Accounting is not what it used to be. The industry is but one of many across the world whose professionals must innovate, adapt and evolve to stay afloat in a world saturated with new and ever-evolving technology.

The three biggest hurdles you will face when you experience rapid business growth

While we all want our businesses to achieve measured and sustainable growth, when growth surpasses expectation it can bring a number of problems.

What exactly is Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP) and how can it help your business?

Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP) is the most misused and least understood business phrases out there. Ask five different people what SWP is to them and you will end up with seven different answers.

A deep dive into Deep Tech: what you need to know about this growing...

When one thinks about venture capital investment, one often thinks about agile development teams building mobile applications or consumer platforms that grow to global...

The family that stays together: Why family businesses are better at employee retention

When it comes to employee retention, family businesses lead the way. According to the Harvard Business Review, the average turnover at a non-family firm is 11% per year. Family firms, however, churn only 9% of their workforce.

Here are 3 important things the Australian agtech industry should be doing better

Australia gets a lot of things right when it comes to agricultural research and development (R&D), and we are generally recognised as being one of the best countries for our overall R&D approach.

Why your employees’ soft skills are the key to the growth and success of...

Soft skills are the personal attributes that are needed to succeed in the workplace. They’re often related to how employees work with others (otherwise known as ‘people skills’)
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Five essential ingredients for a humming homepage with James Tuckerman [FREE...

Most homepages dedicate too much of their valuable space to predictable and generally unhelpful information, such as the purpose of the business, their products and services, their achievements and needy invitations to ‘buy, buy, buy’ or ‘contact us for a free consultation on no obligation quote’. Effective homepages focus on the needs and wants of the customer.


The Facebook Honey Trap with James Tuckerman [CHEAT SHEET]

This cheat sheet was developed to help small business operators harness the incomparable (and undeniable) potency of Facebook to recruit fans, spread the word, and (most importantly) generate inbound business.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...