Easter is a lucrative market in Australia. I mean, seriously lucrative.
However, it doesn’t matter if you’re not looking to go sales-crazy like the chocolatiers, florists or bakers amongst us this Easter.
The festive period is a great opportunity for small businesses, across all industries, to use the long weekend to take stock, look ahead to the end of the financial year and get your small business hopping.
So, here are a few hacks that could help your small business fly out of the Easter break:
Reach out to your clients
Easter represents an important annual milestone for small businesses; the first quarter is behind you, and you can begin focussing on preparing for the end of the financial year. So why not take the opportunity to send an email out to your customers, co-workers and any stakeholders and suppliers?
Wish them a happy Easter, thank them for their continued support and tell them about any exciting plans your small business has in the pipelines over the coming months. It’s a friendly way to keep them to keep them up-to-date with your business and show them how much you value them.
Stock up on supplies
Whether it’s something major like a new laptop or something a little smaller such as a new notepad; if it helps increase your business’ productivity, now might be the perfect opportunity to get down to the shops to pick up those supplies you’ve had on your to-do list for months.
No matter what they are, fresh supplies and new equipment are good at making you feel re-energised and ready to recommit after the long weekend. (if you’ve taken it off, that is!).
Embrace technology
If you’re still keeping documents and invoices on paper, use the Easter weekend to ditch the paper trail and take your business processes online. Cloud servers like Dropbox Paper and Google Drive are a great way to store all your files conveniently and have access to them from anywhere.
Small business apps like Invoice2go will allow you to send invoices and track expenses, allowing you to work on the go and having all your paperwork in the palm of your hand. With the end of the financial year fast approaching, it’s a great way to invest in a little bit of piece of mind!
Set goals
When setting goals, many people think yearly. But it’s easy not to commit to your yearly goals, so consider setting shorter, more manageable quarterly goals which provide a quicker feedback loop.
Whether its clients worked with, turnover, or even an opportunity to work overseas, regular opportunities to assess your progress allows you to focus on what is working and what can be done better.
Make a website
Having an online presence is crucial for small businesses. It helps you reach a broader base of customers and is a great way to market your business, outlining to new and existing customers why they need your product or service.
Alarmingly GoDaddy research shows that 59% of Australian small businesses don’t have a website. However, with tools such as their Website Builder, you can now get online and safeguard your business for success in under an hour.
Tidy space, tidy mind
What better time to tidy your office, work van or store room? It can be difficult to act and feel productive when your work space is untidy. Afterall, by channeling your inner Marie Kondo you might find a clutter-free office can result in a clutter-free mind.
Get on the ‘Gram
If your product or service is visually striking, create a business Instagram account. It’s quick, simple and a great way to connect with a broader customer base, and it’s profile insights make it simple to see the kinds of people engaging with your brand.
Oh, and why not start with some topical, Easter-themed content…