Home ANTHILL TV Why Gary Vaynerchuk loves social media: because it sells stuff

Why Gary Vaynerchuk loves social media: because it sells stuff [VIDEO]


Gary Vaynerchuk is the quintessential entrepreneur. He comes from entrepreneurial stock. His father, after escaping political upheaval in Belarus, had limited English and money and went from stock boy to part owner of a liquor store in five years.

Vaynerchuk took that small liquor store in New Jersey and turned it into the Wine Library, a large-scale retail wine store. He did this by embracing social media and, in the process, became the first real YouTube celebrity.

In 2006, he again used YouTube to begin having conversations with customers about wine and began to sell, sell, sell.

In this frank discussion from Vaynerchuk he spells out why he loves social media and how he’s uses it to generate true word of mouth.

Oh, and our standard Anthillian warning about salty language applies to this video. Vaynerchuk is Vaynerchuk. He’s not going to mince his words when he’s talking with this much passion.

Why I love social media – Gary Vaynerchuk
