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This 17-year-old high school student is Australia’s most sought after growth hacker

In 2015, employing some impressively creative growth hacking, Tamir received 43,000 hits in 20 hours for start up mortgage disrupter HashChing, which has since converted into $70 million in 2 months of home loan applications requests.

Can’t get off your phone? This app is tackling social media addiction in a...

The aim of App is to help us understand what normal is when it comes to how much time we truly spend on our phones. There is so much noise in the media about this issue but most of the data is anecdotal without any real data.

This startup risked all of its $1.67m revenue on a thought bubble, and it’s...

PoweredLocal is a Wi-Fi and social media marketing startup that helps connect small businesses to their customers. At it’s most basic level it gives customers access to free Wi-Fi in return for a check-in on Facebook or other social media platform.

Here are 5 simple tips on how to stay alive – and actually thrive...

When you have both a niche product and a niche market it’s crucial to understand what and who your market is, so you can target your niche market properly. Don’t just look at their demographics, but understand their psychographics too.

The ‘Twitter of voice’ looking to capitalise on the growing era of voice with...

Israeli startup HearMeOut is taking on the likes of Google and Apple in a bid to capitalise an emerging demand for voice tech, listing on the ASX ahead of its planned launch in the US next year.

Australia’s tech sector poised for greatness thanks to millennial entrepreneurs

If you look back to the pre-millennial time before 1980’s, there were as many dreams and talents as now. Since then, technology, the Internet and smartphones democratised opportunities and brought them closer to those with the dream to do more, especially the youth.

How to get your start-up through the first business year without suffering a debt...

The most important prerequisite for a newly founded business to take off successfully is ensuring that they always have enough assets for their everyday obligations.

To succeed in creating a business you have to solve a common problem and...

My advice to any budding entrepreneurs out there, would be to do what you love and try to find a niche. I didn’t start CarAdvice for the financial gains, I loved cars and wanted to help people make informed decisions.

Vinomofo spends big after $25 million investment from Blue Sky Venture Capital

Vinomofo has employed a multi-tier media buy covering off free to air and pay TV in both Australia and New Zealand, open-air outdoor advertising spaces nationally, cinema and an aggressive acquisition campaign across digital and social platforms.

The salsa of success: 3 top tips for building a thriving business in the...

For 12 years, I ran a dance school. I discovered that while loving what I do goes a long way, it’s not enough to build a successful business.

More and more businesses are embracing social media and actually getting good at it

The number of businesses with a social media presence has leapt this year in every category, up from 31 per cent to 48 per cent for small and medium businesses (SMBs) and from 56 per cent to 79 per cent for large businesses, according to the 2016 Social Media Report.

This tech start-up has set out to become the Xero of social media influencer...

Hypetap is Australia’s leading influencer engagement platform, offering a sophisticated, end-to-end technology powered solution that connects the highest quality influencers.

The best salespeople are spending an hour and half a day on social media...

New research from LinkedIn has revealed that Aussie salespeople who spend up to an hour and half a day on average on social media are more successful

Beginners guide to… SOCIAL MEDIA [FREE DOWNLOAD]

Download this FREE step-by-step guide and start using social media to build your business. "Short, simple... powerful!"

This start-up co-founded by a former Australian rugby international is linking tech with social...

HooZu, co-founded by former Australian rugby international Lote Tuqiri, is using tech to identify Australia's most influential social media players

1 in 3 Australians are now turning to social media as their first source...

A new study by Telsyte and Meltwater reveals almost 60 per cent of Australians over the age of 16 believe online news has become more influential than print

Just how important is your business’ online reputation? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Most customers these days say their buying is influenced by online reviews so you'd better make sure your online reputation, in reviews and other...

3 things you need to know if you want to gain an edge in...

As more and more businesses move towards a smarter, more consumer-centric data-driven approach, here is how marketers can gain better insights from data.

It’s all likes and smileys until you break the law: 4 ways social media...

SME owners often complain that business law exists to make their lives harder and feel no different about social media law. Is that actually the case?

An Aussie tech start-up is quickly going global because international students love its unique...

Holistic education services provider, Cohort Solutions, continues to grow globally, announcing that its payment platform Cohortpay is now in 60 countries
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Five ways to manage your time by managing yourself, with Helen...

Finding the time to tackle everything is one of the greatest challenges faced by business owners. To help time-starved business owners work smarter and not harder, we spoke with Helen Ebdon. The director of Affirming Business and Executive Coaching, she’s a serial entrepreneur who started her first business at age 25. She’s built and run direct marketing and communications businesses and she’s also the creator of the Take 15 Program for business effectiveness.



New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...