There’s been a very fast robot. The same creators made a robot that was a little too much like a Terminator, so the company removed its head. That’s not creepy. Not, at all.
Now, in Japan, Kenji Ishida, who researches and builds robots for a hobby, has created a robot that can transform from a car into a walking, missile shooting robot. The missiles may be best used to give your cat something to chase down, but the concept is clear, and it’s real.
Well, it’s a lot more real that Megan Fox’s lips and a few other pieces of her anatomy in the second Transformer movie.
The creation is not endorsed by Hasbro, makers of the Transformer franchise, but I’m guessing that the company doesn’t own any patents to prevent someone else invent what was, fictitious technology.
Ishida plans to build a robot that transforms that is big enough for people to ride in by 2030. This again, as a hobby, not as project funded with lots of cash. Not yet anyway.
How did he create it? A lot of genius, and access to a 3D printer. Now that’s what I really want for Christmas. Feel free to send it to me at Anthill HQ.