5 things running my university canteen taught me about successfully running a business
During his time at Monash University, serial entrepreneur David Loh beat the big catering companies to scoop the tender to operate the canteen. He shares the business lessons he picked up from this experience.
4 things you need to do to kick-start your business idea into a successful...
There are no wrongs or rights when it comes to starting out - mistakes are part of learning - but here are four tips on starting a successful business.
Is that cash loan a trap? How to spot rogue entrants and avoid costly...
Australia's alternative finance industry has lately been flooded with inexperienced entrants. Here's what to look out for and how to avoid the wrong lender
Curiosity didn’t kill the cat: Why being curious and pushing the comfort zone is...
Curiosity may well have killed the cat; but just as a cat has nine lives, in business we have to be prepared to reincarnate...
You are your inner circle: Why you need to surround yourself with dream-makers and...
Who you surround yourself with – both at work and away from work – is very important.
The journey to business success can be long...
When adversity strikes, the choice is yours: Bitter or Better?
Have you ever questioned yourself?
Why am I doing this? Is it all worth it? Have you ever wanted to throw in the towel?
As entrepreneurs...
Enough is enough: How to keep our politicians’ travel spend under control like businesses...
During the last few weeks we’ve seen the government go through what is most likely the worst politician travel scandal in the history of Australia. here is a list of five tools that could have prevented it.
How to put together the great pitch that you need to land your dream...
Presentation skills are among the most important assets in a consultant’s communication toolkit, whether it’s pitching for new business, brainstorming ideas with a client or reviewing project results.
4 great funding options that are often overlooked by small businesses in Australia
It's fair to say not too many Australian SMEs keep their bank manager high on their Christmas card list. Reasonable or not, banks are often seen as not giving a fair go to the average Aussie start-up. What other options do they have?
What I’ve learned over the last 10 years about how to go from working...
Formerly an orthopaedic and sports rehabilitation physiotherapist, Leonie Henzell launched Bockers & Pony in April 2004. She shares her top eight tips for starting a business.
7 ways Kim Kardashian has taught me how to be a better businesswoman
Kim Kardashian has been hailed as an $85 million entrepreneur after shooting to fame in 2007 in one of the most infamous sex tape...
The good, the bad and the ugly: Here is how the new changes in...
By now everyone in the Australian start-up space should be aware that the government has made significant changes to the way in which equity or options issued to employees will be taxed.
Get armed for the future: 5 things your business will need to do to...
Technological advances and shifts in the way we shop will shape e-commerce in the next decade. Here’s how to survive, and even flourish, with the changes that are coming.
Excelling on a budget: 7 steps to building a winning website for less than...
Building a winning, professional, functional website doesn’t have to be an expensive exercise, in fact you can do it for less than $300, and here's exactly how.
When imitation flatters but undermines: 4 insider tips to beat counterfeit pirates
Relentless years of hard work and sleepless nights lift new brands and businesses off the ground. When copycats steal your ideas it’s heartbreaking. But with a little insider knowledge you can beat the counterfeiters.
5 new financial year resolutions every small business should make and stick to
If you’re like most small business owners, you’ll have just powered through the dreaded end of financial year - filing tax returns, business activity...
Losing steam? Here are five ways to supercharge your business to new levels
The most successful entrepreneurs are those who believe business should be dynamic. Here are 5 tips on how to boost your business to new levels.
4 ways Australian businesses can make the most of China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA)
Although the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement may make your goods more affordable as a result of the elimination of tariffs, this won’t be enough to attract and retain Chinese shoppers.
10 key parts of your business that you need to outsource in this new...
Outsourcing work virtually is a cost-effective way to get those time-consuming tasks completed efficiently. Consider the following ten areas in your business to outsource in the new financial year.
Do you have one of these 7 toxic employees wrecking havoc in your business?...
Toxic employees are the single major workplace issue for Australian employers within SMEs, based on findings by Employsure, Australia’s largest employee relations advisory service.