For those who found themselves captivated each week by Donald Trump’s capitalistic antics (or his bad hair-do) in his hit show The Apprentice, the property tycoon has now found his way onto the web.
Launched in May this year, The Trump Blog lays down the billionaire’s opinions on everything from the increasing number of outsourced jobs, to how he believes universities can deliver more value for students – that last one must be a coincidence as here you’ll also find out all about Trump University.
Who knew?
Trump seems to be pretty good at populating the site. He posts a new blog roughly every week, along with a select number from his staff members. The site’s primary reason for existence is to promote the Trump University, but Trump also uses it to spin a few yarns – like this one from mid-June:
“One night at 3am, when I was more than $9 billion in debt, I was summoned to Citibank for a conference call with a bevy of international bankers to whom I owed money. It was pouring rain and I couldn’t get a cab, so I had to walk to the bank, 15 blocks from Trump Tower. By the time I got there I was soaked. I felt then like I had reached my lowest point. But we worked things out, and the rest, as they say is history.”
With the soaring popularity of digital cameras and camera phones, at any given place, at any given time, there is likely to be at least one person with the technology and the will to capture a newsworthy event. Professional photo journalists now compete with Jo Average for media sales. Two new websites help members sell photographs and videos of newsworthy events to news agencies. UK-based Scoopt has already sold photographs for members, while US-based Spy Media begins operations on 3 October.
Scoopt markets member’s photos and videos exclusively for six months, during which time members can’t publish their works anywhere else. Licensing and assignment fees are split 50-50 between the member and Scoopt.
So next time you see something newsworthy, capture it! It may end up on the 6 o’clock news.
Over the past six months, Gizmag has been consolidating its position as Australia’s leading source of all gizmo-related news, with a rapidly rising visitor rate to the company’s website. Back in February this year, the site clocked up 322,365 individual sessions. That number has since steadily increased and for the month of August the site amassed an enormous 1,475,986 unique sessions.
Equally as impressive, during August, Gizmag’s website registered 5,643,622 page views, up from 1,599,086 back in February – those are some exciting statistics. Check out TechIT on pp.82-83 to see why.