Tag: New Media
Is Ricky Nixon a victim of reputational terrorism? (What Kim Duthie can teach your...
Vilified footy entrepreneur Ricky Nixon's latest, most abortive attempt at PR redemption this weekend provided several clear lessons about the new art of war on the PR and reputation battleground. The most instructive lesson from the interview was when Nixon sulked that he was being unfairly outfoxed and out-PR'ed by a teenager.
Cool Company Awards Readers’ Choice winners revealed, providing a lesson in ‘new media’ marketing
What's interesting about the tally above is the lesson it offers in new media marketing. For example, the leading two 'cool companies' generated more than double the social media responses to the full list of eighteen finalists combined. But only one could be described as a 'new media' company with natural online reach.
A video for the social media ninjas (You know who you are)
Social media 'gurus' are the latest targets of ridicule in this Xtranormal animation. The text-to-animation software has made it possible for amateur film-makers, from...
Banksy’s dark, dark jab at 20th Century Fox
The darkly comedic introduction sequence, which was developed by UK stencil artist Banksy at the invitation of The Simpsons' producers, was pulled from YouTube earlier today, prompting many tech-scene observers to speculate that the clip, which is clearly critical of the program's production processes, ruffled some of the wrong feathers at Fox.
What is Apple’s Ping and could it prompt the death of MySpace?
Poor Myspace. It's been on its last air-guitar-riffing, crowd-surf-groping, drug-fuelled stagger for several years now. Indeed, the only thing that has kept its face from plunging into the vomit-filled toilet bowl of obscurity has been the way musicians have used the platform to self-promote... until now.
There are smarter ways to beat banner blindness than showing cleavage
This article is the fourth in The Anthill Guide to Online Marketing for Small Business (and Startups) series. Last time, we identified common terminology associated with online marketing and revealed how some websites artificially inflate Page Impressions. Today, we continue this theme and look more deeply into the science of online advertising, so that you may talk like an expert, and get ROI!
Fitness centres pump up membership with social media
Fitness centres are feeling the burn of social media. That's gymrat-ese for "it's working." According to a trend report by Australian debit service provider Ezypay, gyms are increasingly using established online people connectors such as Facebook and Twitter to bring their members together for lasting relationships with each other and their fitness centre.
How to broadcast your ignorance, then get ripped off
Do you ever feel like online marketing options were deliberately designed to confuse? In this post, we reveal some of the strategies that media organisations don’t want you to know - the tactics they use to inflate their figures (yes, it’s real and happens every day).
Tear down the new walls: Gavin McGarry [PODCAST]
There's big money in tearing down traditional barriers between media formats. Just ask Gavin McGarry, who has built a business out of trans-media storytelling. As president of New York-based company Jumpwire Media he says that no one has got it all figured out yet, and there is still plenty of money to be made.
Crowd Creation: Social Media’s Killer Application [DOWNLOAD]
Mass production is now in the hands of the masses. And, it’s got nothing to do with standardised, low-quality, generic products. Instead, crowdsourcing is the smoking gun. It’s the 'Weapon of Mass Construction' for those wired to the web and online communities. It’s collaboration at a global scale. Finally, we might just make this world work!
Crowd Creation: Social Media’s Killer Application [FREE DOWNLOAD]
Mass production is now in the hands of the masses. And, it’s got nothing to do with standardised, low-quality, generic products. Instead, crowdsourcing is the smoking gun. It’s the 'Weapon of Mass Construction' for those wired to the web and online communities. It’s collaboration at a global scale. Finally, we might just make this world work!
Old Spice adopts new approach to FMCG marketing
If you haven't already watched the commercial below, you're about to see what is already being described as one of the best brand re-launches of all time. It deservedly won the Film grand prix at the Cannes Lions and is now being praised, far and wide, for the way its creators Wieden + Kennedy have extended the reach of the campaign to embrace social media.
Are Australians the worst illegal downloaders in the world?
When the climatic finale of the television series ‘Lost’ aired earlier this year, BitTorrent news service TorrentFreak estimated that 15% of all torrent downloads of the final episode originated from Australia, despite the country representing only 0.3% of the world’s population. Do we blame our convict past or lack of access to legal channels?
The power of you: Exploiting user-generated content
The advent of social media and real-time web networks means that the youth of today are more likely to source information from someone they know than via traditional media. Not only does this undermine most previous media models but it also poses the questions of how do you predict this trend and, more importantly, how do you capitalise on it? Here, Managing Director of venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson (DFJ) Steve Jurvetson, speaking at the 11th Annual Top Tech Trends at the Churchill Club in 2009, gives his view on what the next five to six years hold and where he sees the opportunities in federated media.
How to lead with value and socialise your brand
The markets and audiences of the 21st century are a savvy bunch. No longer gullible and susceptible to the heavy handed and brash branding practices of the past, they're looking for the 'why' and not the 'what' when they buy into a product or service, and this leaves companies and organisations charting new and unfamiliar territory. Andrew Collins explores the changing face of brand promotion.
Iceland: From boom to bust to haven to where-the-bloody-hell-are-you?
Being a single industry economy is notoriously dangerous. And few countries understand this better than Iceland. Not wanting to remain in the doldrums, Iceland is trying to re-brand itself as a journalistic haven, centre of creativity and popular tourist destination. Cue cart-wheeling citizens.
Meet Ralph Simon: “The Father of the Ring Tone”
Ralph Simon is regarded as one of the founders of the modern mobile entertainment industry. At X|Media|Lab Global Media Ideas, Ralph will address various ways Australian Internet start-ups can find capital or smart support for their company and commercial ideas In an email interview, we asked him to share his views about the 'next' round of mobile technologies and what he thinks about Australian innovation.
Meet Ralph Simon: "The Father of the Ring Tone"
Ralph Simon is regarded as one of the founders of the modern mobile entertainment industry. At X|Media|Lab Global Media Ideas, Ralph will address various ways Australian Internet start-ups can find capital or smart support for their company and commercial ideas In an email interview, we asked him to share his views about the 'next' round of mobile technologies and what he thinks about Australian innovation.
Facebook’s population is likely to exceed 500 million by June. But what will this...
In early February, Facebook announced that it had 400 million users and All Facebook’s Nick O’Neill is predicting that the company should near the 600 million user mark and surpass $1 billion in annualised revenue by the end of the year. But the growth of Facebook is evidence of something more than a fad.
Facebook's population is likely to exceed 500 million by June. But what will this...
In early February, Facebook announced that it had 400 million users and All Facebook’s Nick O’Neill is predicting that the company should near the 600 million user mark and surpass $1 billion in annualised revenue by the end of the year. But the growth of Facebook is evidence of something more than a fad.