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A conversation with a younger you [VIDEO]
With more than six million views in less than a week, this is one video that should be shared. As a 12 year old, Jeremiah McDonald wanted to talk to his future self. It was a crazy idea. But a kid with that much crazy found a way to make it happen.
Space, the final frontier. Has the Higgs boson made warp drives a possibility? [VIDEO]
I have to admit, I'm pleased that the Higgs boson is headline news around the world. Who would have thought that everyone would get so excited about science, about physics? So, why is this really so very cool? Not only is this discovery awesome, but it opens up a whole new world of invention.
Cooler toys than Batman: How the Jetman wants to make us all fly [VIDEO]
We were promised a future with flying cars and jetpacks. Feeling a bit gypped? Well, the jetpack is already here. Sure, it's still pretty damn risky, but one man, The Jetman, plans to make it accessible to every one of us.
How the founder of Priceline.com got his entrepreneurial groove back [VIDEO]
Upon leaving his corporate job, Jeff Hoffman was told by the person who had been his role model that he would fail in business. Crushed, he went home to watch some sport on TV. What followed was an epiphany that led Hoffman to help found Priceline.com.
Pizza … mmm … Pizza: the beauty of efficient delivery in motion [VIDEO]
I'm still not completely sure why pizza can be the most awesome thing to eat, but sometimes, it just is. Usually when the pizza arrives, the last thing you think about before you tuck in, is how it got to be there.
Seven minutes of terror. How to land a rover on Mars [VIDEO]
It takes a special kind of crazy to want to explore space. It also takes a special kind of engineering and entrepreneurial team. NASA's Curiosity rover is heading to Mars. It's due to land on the surface on August 5. Well, that's the intention. The thing is, there are so many things that have to happen to make this landing possible. And, the margin for error is zero. There is no wiggle room, at all.
User centred design: why you need to think like a cat [VIDEO]
The fundamentals of customer based design (CBD) is that you must think like your customers. You must view the world from their perspective, in order to understand it, and solve the problems of your customers. So, if your customers happen to be a cat, this video is for you.
Can music change your reading habits? A creative solution comes out of Cannes [VIDEO]
Each year at the Cannes Lions, a creativity competition is held, to let up-coming agency creatives to solve a problem with a creative solution. This year, two budding creatives had an idea about how to encourage the reading of books by using Spotify. Creative, fun and it just might work!
What's your story? It's time to start telling it now [VIDEO]
So, what's your story? Oh yes, it's hilarious when people ask me that, in an attempt to make a play on my surname. No one has ever done that before. Ever. But really, what is your story? David E. Kelley has some simple, yet profound advice.
Fact: Your wicked, smart idea is not original [VIDEO]
It is often believed that creative ideas come in a moment of inspiration to a genius mind. Piffle says Kirby Ferguson. He goes on to explain how all creativity begins with copying what has come before. Evolution must happen on the way to a revolution.
Social media meets real world with a Twitter activated vending machine [VIDEO]
Look past the creepy, robotic voice of the vending machine. It's really creepy. This integrated promotional campaign for ice tea manages to achieve real life and online brand awareness at the same time. Clever, huh?
People caught being accidentally awesome. Coke does it again [VIDEO]
Yes. Another Coke ad. Sure, they have bazillion dollar budgets. When many people study marketing at University, they dream that one day they'll work for a company like Coke or Nike, simply because of the awesome marketing that comes out of these behemoths.
Digital culture isn't an oxymoron. Or is it? [VIDEO]
Jonathan Harris is both an artist and a computer scientist. That must mean that both hemispheres of his brain are firing on full cylinders. In this video, Harris shares what he has discovered in his work to be the four big cultural trends brought to us by the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest: Compression, Disposability, Curation, and Self-Promotion.
Organised complexity. It may sound like how you arrange your sock drawer, but it’s...
So, you already know that everything is connected to everything else, right? Now, be prepared to look at just how complex all of these connections are. Principal UX Lead at the search engine Bing, Manuel Lima, shows us how the tree of knowledge really no longer applies. This is why creating a site map for your website is really tricky.
Feathered entrepreneurs: the fascinating world of crows [VIDEO]
At a cocktail party, Joshua Klein got into a conversation with a friend who wanted to eradicate crows from his garden. Klein thought there had to be a better way to solve this situation than just killing the crows. Then, the magic words that so many entrepreneurs love to hear, were spoken.
Kick. Push. Grind. What do skateboarding and innovation have in common? [VIDEO]
Have you ever watched skateboarders and wondered, how did they even know that trick could be done? Rodney Mullen takes the stage at TEDxUSC to explain how context provides the opportunity to create content. It's what you already know that allows you to push beyond that, and create something new and remarkable.
Cast off your paper notebooks! Locals take iPad pen bundle to Kickstarter for funding...
Despite being surrounded by technology and gadget, when it comes to meetings, I still like to write. Granted, it's illegible to anyone else because I do spend 90% of my time typing. I dislike typing on my iPad in meetings. I find it distracts me from the meeting. Yet, I can easily write with ease. Enter Collusion, a cracking product designed by locals and now seeking Kickstarter funding.
Salty Banksy goodness: skills, method and medium [VIDEO]
Normally when we say something is a little salty at Anthill, we're referring to the use of certain, shall we say, creative words. Words that may make your mum blush; or they may not. It depends on your mum. But in this video, salt takes on a whole new meaning. It becomes the most astonishing artistic medium.
Waiting for the great leap forward? I think it's already here [VIDEO]
Throw away your keyboard. Discard your mouse. All you need to do to control your computer is wave your hands about. No instruction manual needed, just a teeny, tiny device that reads your hand motions. Really. The revolution in human-computer interaction just took a massive leap forward.
Happy birthday YouTube. Check out how this one crazy idea changed our world [VIDEO]
an you believe it? YouTube is seven years old. It seems like only yesterday that it had just a few thousand videos. Yet, it's also one of those strange situations where it's hard to remember life before YouTube.