Home ANTHILL TV Bacon, porn, cheese. LOL! What’s really happening on social media

Bacon, porn, cheese. LOL! What’s really happening on social media [VIDEO]


Are you a little bit tired of all the hyperbole around social media?

Are you annoyed that every second person you meet at a networking event is now a social media expert?

You’re not alone.

The chaps at The Poke decided it was time that a real infographic about social media was released to the world.

Fascinating insights include the following gems:

  • There are now more social media experts in London than there are children
  • A web user spends one day of their life deleting “enter your search here” from search text boxes
  • And there was also something to do with cheese. And porn.

You know it’s all true.

There’s something in this parody video for everyone.

Social media revolution