Home ANTHILL TV There are only 25 things to hate about Facebook? Really? I have...

There are only 25 things to hate about Facebook? Really? I have more [VIDEO]


A self-made YouTube celebrity, Julian Smith has just 25 things that he hates about Facebook.

I can reach a much higher number. How about you?

For starters, he didn’t even mention the iPad and iPhone apps, which are appalling for their usability.

Plus, there’s the endless My Calendar Birthday requests. If you’re my friend, you already know my birthday.

Let’s not to forget the ability for Facebook to use your profile picture in sponsored ads for companies, if you’ve chosen to like them.

Oh, and then there’s people who like their own posts and photos. I mean, if you’ve put it on Facebook surely you like it? What is that all about?

And, by no means finally, I hate the fact that Facebook has single-handedly changed the meaning of the word ‘like’.

I’m just getting warmed up.

25 things I have about Facebook – Julian Smith