Scott Winning
Pablos Holman explains what entrepreneurs can learn from hackers
Pablos Holman is a self-proclaimed hacker who has worked on numerous ambitious technology projects from inventing spaceships to developing the world's smallest portable fully operational computer devices. In this talk at the recent second World Entrepreneurship Day, he delves into the psychology of the hacker and reveals that, similar to entrepreneurs, it is their mindset of 'discovery' that is crucial to invention and innovation.
Intelligent design transforms tiny Hong Kong apartment into luxury 24-room masterpiece
From its large population to its expansive highrise skyline and frantic lifestyle, Hong Kong is a city of extremes. In this scramble for space, local architect Gary Chang peered beyond the chaos and clamour, seeing an opportunity for technological innovation and green living.
IT providers get chance to pitch for contracts totalling $37.5 billion
A recent report by independent tehcnology analyst Ovum has discovered that approximately $37. 5 billion of IT contracts will be up for renewal within the next six months.
Steve Jobs advises Nike to “get rid of the crappy stuff” [VIDEO]
In this video clip, taken from Fast Company's Innovation Uncensored conference held last week in New York, Nike president and CEO Mark Parker relays some advice Steve Jobs offered him, providing valuable insight into why Jobs and Apple have enjoyed so much success in recent years.
A quarter of Aussie SMEs ill-prepared for Government’s Fair Work changes
A recent study revealed that one in four Australian SMEs were either inadequately prepared or not well informed about the Federal Government's new Fair Work industrial relations laws.
Nominations open for WA Innovation Awards program
Last week, Western Australian Commerce, Science and Innovation Minister Troy Buswell opened nominations for the 2010 WA Innovator of the Year Award. All Western Australian entrepreneurs who have an innovation to promote are encouraged to apply.
Aussie digital companies make impact at International Webby Awards
Eight Australian digital companies have been named as finalists for the 14th Webby Awards. Established in 1996, The Webby Awards are known as the "Oscars for the Internet" honouring excellence on the internet from around the globe.
Want to create a successful company? Seek change. Not cash.
Financial success may seem like the obvious benchmark for business success. However, according to former Apple Fellow and managing director of Garage Technology Ventures Guy Kawasaki, it is “making meaning” that lies at the heart of entrepreneurship and should be the foundation stone of any business.
Forget Pokemon. Fifteen year-old Lachy Groom created his business swapping ‘gift cards’.
Age has never been a restriction when it comes to entrepreneurship and that certainly rings true in the case of Perth entrepreneur Lachy Groom. Already a serial entrepreneur at the age of 15, he is the founder of a recently launched voucher card trading business that looks set to go places.
Australian retail e-commerce industry gets its own awards program
The inaugural award ceremony in Australia for the e-retail industry will be held in July at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Latest top markets for Aussie exporters revealed
This week the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade) released research into the activity of Australia's exporters with a key finding being that, despite the global finaincial crisis, Australia's export industry is healthy and volumes have continued to grow.
Abu Dhabi plans the world’s first zero-carbon eco-city
The United Arab Emirates built the obscenely ostentatious Dubai with oil money that its leaders realised was running out. Now that the hard times have hit, Abu Dhabi is placing its chips on sustainability.
Melbourne to lead Australia with green building retrofit initiative
The City of Melbourne announced yesterday that it aims to retrofit two thirds of the city's commercial buildings in a huge sustainability initiative.
How to profit from creative passion (the Tom Selby way)
Tom Selby is a photographer. He has been commisioned to shoot by the likes of Vogue Paris and the almuni of his subjects includes such household names as Helena Christensen, Tom Wolfe and Björn Borg. What is unusual and inspiring is that he has managed to profit enormously from his website without the use of any any advertising or sponsorship. In this video he explains how he did it.
Manager arrested for NOT tweeting
The advantages that some companies have gained from an intelligently deployed social media strategy has placed other businesses under increased pressure to get tweeting. However, while Twitter has become a permanent weapon in many marketers' arsenals, few users face the threat of arrest for not tweeting.
Former i.lab CEO joins OneVentures investment team
Long-time Anthill supporter and former CEO of Queensland-based i.lab Incubator Anne-Marie Birkill, has taken up partnership of the new Sydney-based venture capital fund OneVentures, which launched on 22 March. She will manage the Fund alongside fellow entrepreneurs Dr Michell Deaker and Dr Paul Kelly.
Research: Smart phones and dumb employees are a toxic mix
Smart phones have brought both the world and the office to the palm and pocket, enabling increased productivity for the workforce on the move. However, this new-found freedom has exposed a mountain of previously secure company information to the threat of theft and destruction at the hands of cyber criminals.
Determine your global readiness in 10 minutes
The Australian Federal Government's Export, Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC) is offering businesses the opportunity to asses their readiness to launch into the global market with an online 'Benchmark your Business' test.
Innovative technology startups gain access to extra $40m growth capital
Sydney-based venture capital firm OneVentures has been appointed as the fund manager for an extra $40 million of venture capital funding from the Federal Government's Innovation Investment Fund (IIF) program.
Amazing mag cover innovation for the iPad
Los Angeles based photographer Alexx Henry provides a 'behind the scenes' look into how he, and co-directors Cory Strassburger and Ming Hsiung, produced a motion cover for digital VIV magazine.