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Latest top markets for Aussie exporters revealed


This week, the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade) released research into the activity of Australia’s exporters with a key finding being that, despite the global financial crisis, Australia’s export industry is healthy and continues to grow.

Overall, Austrade discovered that, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the total number of businesses comprising the exporter community was 45,581 for 2008-09. This is marginally down on the 2007-08 figure of 45,623, a drop that is believed to be due to a 4.3 percent decline in service exporters.

Analysis of the top 20 market destinations showed little change in the rankings, as has been the case for some time, with only slight movement among individual ranking countries.

New Zealand remains at the top of the ladder regardless of a $980 million fall in trade value on 2007-08. Proximity, ease and the Closer Economic Relationship are all seen as factors contributing to New Zealand being being a top choice for Australian exporters, especially for those venturing into the exporting industry for the first time.

With a tally of 9,084 Australian exporters (a drop of 102 on 2007-08), the United States came second. However, trade value rose by $998m. The decrease in the number of exporters to the US seems to follow suit with other sub-prime affected countries such as the UK, Japan and South Korea.

Singapore ranked in third place with growth in both numbers of exporters and trade value on the previous year (6,667 and $296m respectively).

Following in the top 10 (in descending order) were China, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, Japan and Fiji.

The figures for China (in fourth place with 4,816 Australian exporters and a trade value of $354m) appear to support an Austrade/Sensis survey that many SMEs are seeking to follow larger Australian blue chip companies such as Rio Tinto, ANZ and Woodside into this increasingly desirable market.

While the table appears to have remained fairly stable, a longer term view shows that when compared to 1989-90 data, countries such as China and the UAE have been consistently rising up the rankings.

The following is a ranking of export destinations:

Country No


















New Zealand 17897 17079 -818 9529 8549 -980
USA 9186 9084 -102 10602 11600 998
Singapore 6566 6667 101 5226 5522 296
UK 5614 5210 -404 8309 11509 3200
Hong Kong 4918 5146 228 2838 3192 354
China 4495 4816 321 27034 39325 12291
PNG 4233 4313 80 1616 1611 -5
Malaysia 3537 3619 82 3426 3730 304
Japan 3424 3341 -83 34967 52768 17801
Fiji 3181 3168 -13 380 374 -6
Thailand 2851 2829 -22 4645 4951 306
Germany 2690 2823 133 1450 2197 747
Indonesia 2576 2623 47 3957 4295 338
Canada 2390 2300 -90 1620 1557 -63
UAE 2382 2720 338 3133 3604 471
South Korea 2233 2122 -111 14240 19274 5034
India 2119 2203 84 9328 15425 6097
Taiwan 2102 2137 35 6479 8126 1647
South Africa 2067 2104 37 2408 2056 -352
New Caledonia 1826 1826 0 359 345 -14

Source: ABS Cat 5368.0.55.006 — table 11, includes multiple destinations.

For further information please visit Austrade.