Intellectual property has for long been the victim of theft, plagiarism and the ensuing legal battles over ownership. Therefore, the protection of intellectual property is a major priority for many individuals and companies as well.
Whether it is a new business proposal, a blog article, a music composition or a book draft, Veridocx’s timestamping service is the first of its kind in Australia. It allows anyone to timestamp a digital file to prove its existence at a point in time.
“We saw an unmet need in the market to develop a service to help provide security to intellectual property and content creators to protect what matters to them – their ideas. We have all heard of situations where ideas have been stolen, and while going to a lawyer for every idea you have is costly and impractical, and mailing or emailing files to yourself is not tamperproof, Veridocx provides a cost effective, reliable and non-repudiable solution,” says Felix Thiang, Managing Director of Veridocx.
How does Veridocx help businesses to protect their intellectual property?
Businesses can also utilise Veridocx time stamps for critical business documents, providing additional security in confirming their state at a point in time. Organisations can timestamp important contracts or documents and share them directly from the Veridocx service to put others on notice that they have taken measures to protect themselves, to discourage or prevent tampering by other parties.
An Australian innovation, Veridocx’s digital timestamping solution is unique worldwide in that it provides a complete end to end timestamping solution, from obtaining a timestamp, managing it, allowing third party verification and sharing the time stamped file. It has been designed to take away the complexities of digital security from the user and provide a simple interface to manage their files and timestamps without fear of making a critical mistake.
Each Veridocx timestamp costs AUD $4.95, which includes a digital timestamp, a printable certificate, 12 months of free storage for the file to protect it from loss, damage or modification, free timestamp verification and free secure sharing for as long as the file is stored with Veridocx.
Consumers can receive their first timestamp for free when visiting However, take note that the use of timestamps to prove a digital file’s existence are subject to the rules of admissibility in an individual’s jurisdiction.
Veridocx’s service provides timestamps on tamperproof Thales hardware traceable to NIST (the National Standards of Institutes and Technology) in the USA.
Image by Trevor Blake