Tag: TEDxMelbourne
This Australian is headed to Mars. She explains what it really means to ‘go...
Dianne McGrath is one of the seven Round 3 short-listed astronaut candidates from Australia still remaining in the international Mars One program. You know....
The third industrial revolution and, how to unlearn: fascinating insights from Morris Miselowski
Morris Miselowski is a futurist. He's one of those people you can ask about what's coming next and, not only do you get an...
A vision for Melbourne’s future: returning to our connection with the land and food...
Kate Dundas grew up in Scotland.
It was a normal occurrence for her to eat a deep fried piece of potato in a white, buttered...
Innovation is a noun (and seven other awesome lessons from TEDxMelbourne)
Innovation is a noun. This seems to have been forgotten. Innovation; such a buzz word at the moment, everyone is “doing it.” Trouble is, you don't “do” innovation; innovation is the result of what you do.
Entrepreneurs Week Melbourne kicks off for 2010
In partnership with Melbourne's most entrepreneurial organisations, including Mobile Monday, The Hive, TEDxMelbourne and the Churchill Club, E-Week 2010 will give participants an opportunity to gain the right skills, meet the right people and build their confidence to just get out there and start their own entrepreneurial endeavour.