Tag: leadership
The Law of Success — Lesson Seven: Enthusiasm
The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons, Napoleon Hill’s 1,600+ page monstrosity published prior to Think and Grow Rich, contains a lot of useful information that can help you realise your potential. In this series, Joshua Moore covers each of these attributes in a practical way that you can apply to your life and work. Today he discusses the value of enthusiasm.
Here are four quick and effective ways to build trust in your organisation
Consider for a moment someone you trust deeply. Think about why you trust them. What is it that they say or do that makes you believe you can trust them? Conversely, think about someone you do not trust. What is it that they say or do that causes you not to trust them? The answers to these questions are more powerful than you think.
Welcome to the shallow end of the corporate gene pool
“When we arrived, the staff knew we were a triage team called in to determine whether they should receive emergency surgery and a chance at life or a shot of morphine and a painless journey to oblivion.”
The Law of Success — Lesson Six: Imagination
The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons, Napoleon Hill’s 1,600+ page monstrosity published prior to Think and Grow Rich, contains a lot of useful information that can help you realise your potential. In this series, Joshua Moore covers each of these attributes in a practical way that you can apply to your life and work. Today he discusses Lesson Six: Imagination
Is optimism killing your business or career?
Do you regard the greatest obstacles or challenges in your life as the defining moment that shaped who you are today? Or do you choose to look at them as an excuse or reason why you have not achieved more?
Don’t wait for politicians. Create the magic yourself.
Businesses like to hang their hat with one political party or another for a variety of misguided reasons. It may well explain why so many businesses go bust in the first three years. They are spending too much time hoping politicians will deliver them a miracle than, you know, working. Is it just coincidence that this time-frame is the same as the term of a government?
BDO's new CEO Pat Donato talks about differentiation and growth in the bean-counting business
It must be hard differentiating a large accounting and advisory company like BDO from its competitors. How can a firm of bean counters distinguish its brand from the rest of the bushel? In this interview with Anthill's James Tuckerman, BDO's recently appointed CEO for New South Wales and Victoria Pat Donato talks about his plans for growth and how he intends to position BDO in the Australian advisory landscape.
BDO’s new CEO Pat Donato talks about differentiation and growth in the bean-counting business
It must be hard differentiating a large accounting and advisory company like BDO from its competitors. How can a firm of bean counters distinguish its brand from the rest of the bushel? In this interview with Anthill's James Tuckerman, BDO's recently appointed CEO for New South Wales and Victoria Pat Donato talks about his plans for growth and how he intends to position BDO in the Australian advisory landscape.
The Law of Success — Lesson Five: Initiative and Leadership
The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons, Napoleon Hill’s 1,600+ page monstrosity published prior to Think and Grow Rich, contains a lot of useful information that can help you realise your potential. In this series, Joshua Moore covers each of these attributes in a practical way that you can apply to your life and work. Today he discusses Lesson Five: Initiative and Leadership.
Seth Godin asks us to lead a tribe and make a difference [TED talk]
Over 18-minutes, Godin outlines his theory that the internet has banished the era of mass marketing, and that the ancient social unit of the tribe has returned, empowering ordinary people to lead extraordinary movements. It's both educational and inspirational, with Godin conveying his message with purpose and humour (helped along by some witty photo slides).
Research: high income earners happy but lack employer loyalty
In February, top level recruitment site Six Figures published its 2010 Executive Career Monitor Report. The report was compiled from a survey in late 2009 (in conjunction with talent site Destination Talent) of 1,332 Australian high income earners, with the findings being released at a breakfast meeting in Melbourne on 2nd March.
Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award Australia 2010
The Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year awards is one of the most prestigious awards for business in Australia. The purpose of the Entrepreneur of the Year award is to recognize excellence in entrepreneurial achievement and business leadership. Established internationally twenty-four years ago, The Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year contest is currently held in over 50 different countries.
Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award Australia 2010
The Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year awards is one of the most prestigious awards for business in Australia. The purpose of the Entrepreneur of the Year award is to recognize excellence in entrepreneurial achievement and business leadership. Established internationally twenty-four years ago, The Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year contest is currently held in over 50 different countries.
This week's Anthillian: Prof Murray Gillin
Professor Emeritus Murray Gillin has spent the majority of his adult life championing the importance of entrepreneurship. He has taught it. He has studied it. And despite a career largely in academia, he has lived it, pioneering a range of entrepreneurial endeavours, including the world's first masters degree in entrepreneurship and innovation.
This week’s Anthillian: Prof Murray Gillin
Professor Emeritus Murray Gillin has spent the majority of his adult life championing the importance of entrepreneurship. He has taught it. He has studied it. And despite a career largely in academia, he has lived it, pioneering a range of entrepreneurial endeavours, including the world's first masters degree in entrepreneurship and innovation.
Hacks and geeks ponder media’s ‘Humpty Dumpty’ moment at Media 2010
How is the media handling the digital ecosphere? Matthew da Silva discussed the view from the wall with key players in attendance at last month’s Media 2010 conference, a Sydney ideas forum sponsored by Fairfax Digital.
The Law of Success — Lesson Two: A Definite Chief Aim
Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich had a profound influence on the way people approach business. However, The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons, Hill’s lesser-known 1,600+ page monstrosity published prior to Think and Grow Rich, contains a lot of useful information that can help you reach your potential. In this series, Joshua Moore covers each of these attributes in a practical way that you can apply to your life and work.
The Law of Success — Lesson One: The Master Mind
The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons, Napoleon Hill’s 1,600+ page monstrosity published prior to Think and Grow Rich, contains a lot of useful information that can help you reach your potential. Over the coming weeks, Joshua Moore will be coving these lessons in a practical way that you can apply to your life and work. The first principle in the book is known as the Master Mind.
Implementing ideas: Instinct vs Testing
Entrepreneurs like to fly by the seat of their pants, implementing ideas almost as quickly as they occur. However, successful companies know the critical importance of adding a sturdy layer of testing to the product development process. Pollenizer’s Mick Liubinskas explains.
The best three-minute video about leadership you will ever see
You might think you have a pretty good grasp on what makes an effective leader. You might even think you're pretty good at explaining it to others. But it's unlikely you can do a better job explaining it than this roughly shot three-minute video of a lone, shirtless guy dancing at a concert.