Tag: idea evaluation
Australian innovation lets the people of PNG pay for electricity using mobile phone credits...
The rapid adoption of this service highlights the suitability of mobile payment technology in developing countries, which often do not have access to the same payment methods and services available in developed markets. It also highlights a trend that Australian software and application developers best not ignore.
Startup School scrapes attendee tweets to create eBook
What I personally found so interesting about this item of digital media is that it was created by the crowd and assembled by attendees (or one particularly passionate attendee in particular). And, despite having not attended the event, I suspect that it is more helpful than most of the glossy 'take homes' I find shoved in most 'goodie-bags' post most conferences.
Free online 'starting a business course' for those with an idea
Sponsored message: There’s a special place for those with a vision and the get-up-and-go to start something. www.thesbhub.com.au is an information resource and online community where you can learn a thing or two about starting a successful business! The course will help you assess the feasibility of your business idea and develop it further.
Free online ‘starting a business course’ for those with an idea
Sponsored message: There’s a special place for those with a vision and the get-up-and-go to start something. www.thesbhub.com.au is an information resource and online community where you can learn a thing or two about starting a successful business! The course will help you assess the feasibility of your business idea and develop it further.
Why won't prospective investors sign my confidentiality agreement?
A sale is a process and the first step in that process is not to demand exclusivity. Exclusivity is either bought or earned and, in the case of raising capital, it is usually earned. An NDA implies exclusivity and that brings with it constraints on both parties. Would you ask a date to sign a pre-nuptial agreement before the first date?
Why won’t prospective investors sign my confidentiality agreement?
A sale is a process and the first step in that process is not to demand exclusivity. Exclusivity is either bought or earned and, in the case of raising capital, it is usually earned. An NDA implies exclusivity and that brings with it constraints on both parties. Would you ask a date to sign a pre-nuptial agreement before the first date?
Is your idea sticky? Making your message memorable.
Is it true that we only use 10% of our brains? No, yet many believe it. Remember the tale of the guy waking up in a bath of ice with a missing kidney after accepting a drink from an attractive stanger in a hotel bar? Well, it actually never happened. Heath Chip has studied many of the legends that seem to draw us in so that he can apply their common traits to create messages that will break through the mass of ideas we're confronted by every day and stay lodged in our heads.
Investors back people, not products. Don't forget it.
Recently, I have been reflecting on a saying I learned from VC friends when I was living and working in Silicon Valley: “Always invest in an A grade team with a B grade product rather than a B grade team with an A grade product”.
Investors back people, not products. Don’t forget it.
Recently, I have been reflecting on a saying I learned from VC friends when I was living and working in Silicon Valley: “Always invest in an A grade team with a B grade product rather than a B grade team with an A grade product”.
Why 2010 is the perfect year to start a company
In this fast and furious clip, filmed at the Churchill Club's 11th Annual Top 10 Tech Trends event in California last month, Steve Jurvetson is given two and a half minutes to explain why he thinks the future looks bright for 'disruptive' startup companies.
6.5 reasons why entrepreneurship is like surfing
They might seem worlds apart, but in fact there are many similarities between surfers and entrepreneurs. Here are six and a half.
How do you see your role in a startup?
I was thinking about the different roles people play at various stages of a startup and how they approach it, and I was reminded of this old story:
Steve Jobs advises Nike to "get rid of the crappy stuff" [VIDEO]
In this video clip, taken from Fast Company's Innovation Uncensored conference held last week in New York, Nike president and CEO Mark Parker relays some advice Steve Jobs offered him, providing valuable insight into why Jobs and Apple have enjoyed so much success in recent years.
Steve Jobs advises Nike to “get rid of the crappy stuff” [VIDEO]
In this video clip, taken from Fast Company's Innovation Uncensored conference held last week in New York, Nike president and CEO Mark Parker relays some advice Steve Jobs offered him, providing valuable insight into why Jobs and Apple have enjoyed so much success in recent years.
How to become a billionaire in 10 steps
We’re led to believe that success is a formula, but all too often ignore the silent evidence that contributes to that success. Take Bill Gates, for example.
How to build your very own entrepreneurial life support system
Since becoming a single lady (cue Beyonce) and not having my partner around to bore the crap out of, I've come to the conclusion that it's a massive ask (so maybe we shouldn't) to expect one person to be both romantic partner and our entrepreneurial life support system, too.
Want to create a successful company? Seek change. Not cash.
Financial success may seem like the obvious benchmark for business success. However, according to former Apple Fellow and managing director of Garage Technology Ventures Guy Kawasaki, it is “making meaning” that lies at the heart of entrepreneurship and should be the foundation stone of any business.
8 ways business owners sabotage their success (and what you can do about it)
Your “make busy” habits create the magnificent illusion that you are hard at work, simply because you feel “flat out” and your day is full of tasks. Let’s be honest, you would actually rather do anything than face the activities you know would radically accelerate your business success NOW!
Five little known ways to successfully promote an event
Promoting an event or workshop is vastly different from raising the profile of a business and thus requires a completely different strategy. Rhondalynn Korolak shares her Top 5 Tips to making your next event an overwhelming success.
Entrepreneurs don’t have to be this crazy!
Matt Leeburn’s post from last week, Entrepreneurship: Do you have what it takes? (A warts-and-all checklist.), certainly struck a chord with our readers. However, fellow Anthill contributor Greg Roworth thought many points on the checklist were misleading, unconstructive or just plain wrong. Here are his counter thoughts on each point.