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Tag: Angel Investing

What does an angel investor look for in a business? Check out this checklist...

Barbara Corcoran is a big name in business in New York. She started her own business in the 1970s and sold it in 2001...

Crowdfunding: ‘Dumb money’ or democratisation of capitalism?

From what we have seen so far, crowdfunding is here to stay. It can be a boon to countries like Australia where the entrepreneurial spirit thrives and high-growth startups can be an engine of growth. Still, there are a lot of questions, notably about its structure and regulation.

The 5th annual Angel Investor Conference to focus on sustainability of investment

Sustainability of investment is the main focus of the 5th Annual National Angel Investor Conference. The Melbourne Angels are inviting entrepreneurs to come, collaborate, hear about the latest industry trends and learn of smart investment oppourtunities.

It’s coming to Sydney! Acquisitions, Capital Raising & Exits Masterclass (with Domenic Carosa)

On 25 March, Anthill is hosting a full-day Capital Raising, Acquisitions & Exit Masterclass, facilitated by Domenic Carosa. Learn the benefits of growing a business using acquisitions as a strategy, and the processes involved in approaching, negotiating, closing and integrating acquisitions or mergers.

“Angel investment live and well in Australia” [Angel Conference: Day #1]

Angel investing in Australia is alive and well! That’s the message from day one of the 4th Annual Australian Association of Angel Investors (AAAI) conference which opened in Newcastle yesterday. The conference, in its fourth year, was created as a forum for Australian angels to network, learn and showcase industry best-practice.

Future Capital founder Domenic Carosa talks about investing in internet ‘upstarts’ [VIDEO]

Domenic Carosa, at age 35, is already a wily veteran of online entrepreneurship. In this wide-ranging interview with Anthill, he talks about investing in internet upstarts (as compared to startups) and about what kinds of entrepreneur he's likely to invest in. Oh, and keep an eye out for a Special Guest Appearance at 5:23. Woof.

Why this angel is not investing in social networks

A young entrepreneur asked me an interesting question, “If Twitter hadn’t happened yet and you had the chance to invest in it at start-up, would you?” As it turns out this is quite relevant as I did have the chance to invest in Twitter during a very early funding round through my own networks in Silicon Valley.

Diary of an entrepreneur raising capital: Money for nothing

I can never figure out if that Dire Straits song goes “money for nothing and your chicks for free” or “money for nothing and your cheques for free”. Let’s stick with cheques for this post, because everyone knows you don’t get chicks for free unless you play the guitar on the MTV. Plus, getting cheques for free is in context with what I want to talk about.

Would you like to be CEO of Commercialisation Australia?

Our 'secret-squirrels' have revealed to Anthill that the seven board positions, appointed to analyse and approve Commercialisation Australia funding applications, have been filled and that an announcement is imminent. No-one knows who will be among this 'magnicifent seven' other than those appointed or involved in the decision. In fact, it is a complete mystery to external observers how these important functionaries were selected. Was there some sort of process behind closed doors? Were they vetted? Were the decisions political? Or vaguely political, chosen in the same fashion as a US High Court Judge, to perform the role yet still be 'on-side' with the powers that be?

LinkedIn helps Irish startup raise over $250,000 in 8 days

Limerick-based software startup Goshido recently completed its first round of private fundraising in only eight days. What is more impressive is that it accomplished this feat solely via the social media networking site LinkedIn.

Six things you should know before meeting with a US venture capitalist

There are many reasons to seek funding in the US, and not all of them involve preparation for entry into the American market. Solar-Gem CEO Khimji Vaghjiani, winner of last month’s Australian Innovation Shoot Out in California, presents a checklist all international entrepreneurs should consider before sitting down with US venture capitalists.

Diary of an entrepreneur raising capital: The ‘Claytons’ Stock Market

When I embarked on my current search for new funding, I thought I was familiar with most of the likely sources: friends (relatives and fools), angels, angels with teeth - Venture Capital (VC), strategic investors (the Holy Grail), an IPO or Lotto. But it turned out there was one I wasn’t aware of...

Diary of an entrepreneur raising capital: The 'Claytons' Stock Market

When I embarked on my current search for new funding, I thought I was familiar with most of the likely sources: friends (relatives and fools), angels, angels with teeth - Venture Capital (VC), strategic investors (the Holy Grail), an IPO or Lotto. But it turned out there was one I wasn’t aware of...

Can Australia really claim to be a nation of innovators?

Is innovation a driver of economic development down-under? The simple answer is, yes. But is it a core driver – part of our national psyche, supported by government policy? I personally don’t think that it is. I’m not so sure that ‘necessity’ is a part of life for most Australians. I don’t think that the ‘tyranny of distance’ still forces us to work smarter, not harder. In fact, the only cultural description I believe worth citing as part of this innovation debate is Australia’s reputation as a ‘lucky country’.

Diary of an entrepreneur raising capital: Once bitten, twice shy

I realise the aim of this column is to be as open and honest as possible about my experiences raising capital, but at this point I’m eager not to do anything that might jeopardise our chances of success. If you think I’m being a little too prudent then let me tell you a painful story about how I learnt not to count chickens, the hard way...

Would your business benefit from a government grant?

During this evening networking event, attendees will learn from successful Australian business builders who have "been there, done that" and employed grant assistance as an instrumental part of their ongoing commercial success.

Angels descend on South Australia in February!

Anthill magazine is proud to support the forthcoming Australian Association of Angel Investors Ltd 2010 Conference, to be held at the Stamford Hotel, Glenelg, South Australia in Febraury.

Are you seeking venture capital for 2010?

During this two hour seminar and networking event, attendees will learn from five of Australia’s leading experts on venture capital and business development - real investors, currently seeking investment opportunities, and successful entrepreneurs, who have ‘been there’ and secured private funding for their growing companies.

Diary of an entrepreneur raising capital: Life’s a pitch

Week 6: For me, whether it’s speed dating or a business proposition, a great pitch should help others understand your vision and get them excited about it as quickly as possible. For some reason my spiel has never generated that much enthusiasm in the speed-dating world, but the business environment is different (I hope). Generally speaking, my pitches usually follow a formula, which explains (in order) the following...

Top 10 must-haves for startups

In 2001, Frank Levinson of Finisar Corporation delivered this no-nonsense talk in which he offers his top 10 things you must have to start a business. And just like the lecture itself, the overriding theme is to keep things simple.
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How to zig when everyone else is zagging, with Julio De...

Why is it that some business owners appear impervious to business obstacles and upsets? In some cases, it seems that it’s the obstacles that drive certain personality types to success. In this CHEAT SHEET, we share five ways of thinking to respond to INDUSTRY, ECONOMIC, BRAND, SOCIETAL and PERSONAL shifts.


Instagram for Business… in 12 steps [FREE INFOGRAPHIC]

This FREE INFOGRAPHIC will teach you how to effectively work through these restrictions to maximize the benefits of your business usage of Instagram.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...