Marketing & Media
News, opinions and advice on marketing and the rapidly evolving media landscape.
Google Maps' Street View launches in Australia
"Hey, I can see my house from here!"
Google Maps, already one of my favourite web services, today became even more useful for Australian...
Sowing seeds of knowledge
Whether you seek answers to the meaning of life or hourly updates on Angelina Jolie’s weight, the right information in this digital age is...
Free…The new revenue model
It's the new disruptive business model. And it's coming to a business near you... faster than a speeding bullet!
Caveat Emptor. Buyer beware....
Building an online community
Are you looking for instant customer feedback and ideas to improve your product or service? What about a free focus group with a targeted...
Spellbound 2.0
So you're pretty sure your website or blog is free of spelling errors. Wait, don't tell me... you got an A in spelling from your grade seven English teacher, right? Australian digital marketing company Melon Media is betting that even the most polished websites contain at least a few spelling groaners.
Videos from D6 Conference
Sick of sitting through tedious events (oh, I don't know, say, ones where the speakers repeatedly define "innovation") and then wishing there was some...
Website of the Week: Lost At E Minor
Something a bit different this week.
At Anthill, we're keen advocates of great design as a gateway to untapped creativity. We place immense emphasis on...
So you’re worried that your new product name might prove to be commercial Kryptonite? Or perhaps you just want to share your genius for...
For developers of new products and services, accurate feedback is worth its weight in gold. That’s why corporations spend billions of dollars on market...
Tunnel Talk: Australia's Web 2.0 pioneers
It's been a tough ride for the online crowd, but things are finally moving again, thanks to broadband uptake, new technologies and a bootstrapping ethos that never really died. We chatted to four of our leading internet entrepreneurs about the state of web 2.0 in Australia.
Tunnel Talk: Australia’s Web 2.0 pioneers
It's been a tough ride for the online crowd, but things are finally moving again, thanks to broadband uptake, new technologies and a bootstrapping ethos that never really died. We chatted to four of our leading internet entrepreneurs about the state of web 2.0 in Australia.
Tunnel Talk: Start the press!
While mainstream print media circulation figures decline, niche publications continue to sprout from nowhere like mushrooms in a sodden field. As long as there is an audience, publishers will keep churning out the content. We asked three independent publishing entrepreneurs how they seized their patch of turf.
Cory Doctorow’s big tent
It was an outrage. In March, celebrity US blogger Arrianna Huffington caused a squall of controversy when she cobbled together quotes criticising the Iraq war from various articles and interviews with George Clooney, gained approval from Clooney's publicist and ran the post on under Clooney's name, with a few of her own words tossed in for good measure. It was perceived as an assault on the central tenets of journalistic professionalism and drew fire from many quarters (leading to her qualified apology when the great man arced up). But The Huffington Post is a blog, not a newspaper of record, and Ms Huffington had as many defenders as accusers during the affair.
Cory Doctorow's big tent
It was an outrage. In March, celebrity US blogger Arrianna Huffington caused a squall of controversy when she cobbled together quotes criticising the Iraq war from various articles and interviews with George Clooney, gained approval from Clooney's publicist and ran the post on under Clooney's name, with a few of her own words tossed in for good measure. It was perceived as an assault on the central tenets of journalistic professionalism and drew fire from many quarters (leading to her qualified apology when the great man arced up). But The Huffington Post is a blog, not a newspaper of record, and Ms Huffington had as many defenders as accusers during the affair.