Tag: superbowl
Is cuteness a factor that helps make a video go viral? Or, do we...
Three days after its release on YouTube the latest ad from Volkswagen has gathered close to half a million views. It's not a particularly remarkable ad. But, it does have a puppy in it.
How four simple words made a boring teaser ad for the Superbowl into a...
American sporting events bring out some brilliant advertising. Hockey ads are flowing again, as are the laughs. But, it's a teaser ad for its Superbowl ad from Taco Bell that is transformed by a simple disclaimer.
Ferris Bueller: The Sequel? (Matthew Broderick chucks a sickie)
Clearly crafted to appeal to the maturing Gen X market, this Honda ad has been released as an an attempt to score a pre-Super Bowl touchdown. While traditional advertising budgets are decreasing, Super Bowl advertising costs are on the rise -- not because of the vast number of people who watch 'the game' but because of the even vaster number who share the 'made to be viral' clips.