American sporting events bring out some brilliant advertising.
The 2013 National Hockey League is finally in action after a drawn out dispute that has seen the length of the season halve. But, the hockey ads are beginning to flow and, they’re as funny and self-deprecating as ever. Check out New York Ranger Henrik Lundqvist interpreting for the Swedish Chef from The Muppets (video #2). Want more? Then watch video #3 for a bedroom fantasy and video #4 for some hot, Swedish twin action.
But, next up, it’ll be the Superbowl. I care little for the game but, like many, love the ads. This year we’re even getting teaser ads in the lead up to the actual ads.
Taco Bell has launched its teaser ad and, while it’s fun, it’s kind of average until the disclaimer appears towards the end that make the ad. Who would have thought that four little words could instantly transform the ad.