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Tag: email marketing

Paul Isakson asks What’s Next (again)

Last year, prolific marketing blogger (and head of strategy for space150) Paul Isakson sent ripples of chatter across the blogosphere when he posted a rough presentation on his views around marketing, simply titled: What's Next? On 30 July, 2009, he posted an update:

Sammartino tests Twitcam as a new tool to educate entrepreneurs

If you want some start-up "radvice", regular Anthill blogger, Rentoid founder and all-round social media maven Steve Sammartino is inviting you to join him...

I know that half my advertising works… I just don't know which half!

This undeniably humorous (and slightly scary) marketing expression has been fondly quoted for decades. In fact, I heard it re-quoted again last month, at...

I know that half my advertising works… I just don’t know which half!

This undeniably humorous (and slightly scary) marketing expression has been fondly quoted for decades. In fact, I heard it re-quoted again last month, at...


Not so long ago, ProBlogger embarked on a blog series called, '31 Days to Build a Better Blog'. And its now available in an eBook!

How to spend a marketing budget of $5,000

So you’ve got $5,000 to market your business. What do you spend it on to get the ‘best bang’ for your buck? Here are the top five marketing activities you should focus on to promote and grow your business with an investment of $5,000 – in order of importance.

How to get customers… without alienating them first

It's now been over nine years since the dotcom boom, when the bulk of today's preferred 'new economy' revenue models were first proffered as...

6 email marketing mistakes and how to avoid them

While everybody seems to be talking about internet marketing, web 2.0/3.0, social media, Twitter, etc., many people seem to have forgotten about one of...

What is Follow Friday on Twitter?

Earlier today, I received a bunch of tweets, simply featuring the Twitter names of other users. For example... nanachtorontoRT @ixplora: RT @jenbishopsydney: Follow friday @marissatree...

Get the message

Do you like receiving marketing via text message? I don’t. When my BlackBerry rings like a bicycle bell, I get a warm feeling inside...

Social media – who cares? I’m a B2B.

Much of the chatter on the topic of social media has focused on businesses that sell to consumers (B2C) as opposed to other businesses (B2B). Consumer-focused companies like Starbucks, Wells Fargo, Dell, Cirque du Soleil and traditional media outlets are leading the pack, but should B2Bs learn and employ similar tactics, or is social media the domain of the B2C market only?

Social media – who cares? I'm a B2B.

Much of the chatter on the topic of social media has focused on businesses that sell to consumers (B2C) as opposed to other businesses (B2B). Consumer-focused companies like Starbucks, Wells Fargo, Dell, Cirque du Soleil and traditional media outlets are leading the pack, but should B2Bs learn and employ similar tactics, or is social media the domain of the B2C market only?

Eminem 'tea-bagging' (How a publicity stunt can really 'hit the spot')

On Monday night, I watched one of my favourite satirists (and the creator of everyone's favourite fictional Kazakstani character Borat), Sacha Baron Cohen, turn...

Eminem ‘tea-bagging’ (How a publicity stunt can really ‘hit the spot’)

On Monday night, I watched one of my favourite satirists (and the creator of everyone's favourite fictional Kazakstani character Borat), Sacha Baron Cohen, turn...

10 secrets to marketing SMEs online

Being online levels the playing field. Big or small, everyone has the same chance to attract and convert customers. By following some basic principles, you can receive the same coverage as major players and see your business take off using savvy, affordable marketing techniques.

Wasted Opportunity With 'Don't Reply'

Take every chance to hear from your customers. Don't waste a single one. If they bother to hit reply and type something out, you should read it. If you're product or service doesn't have the margin to allow for listening to your customers when they want to talk to you, then you're in trouble.

Wasted Opportunity With ‘Don’t Reply’

Take every chance to hear from your customers. Don't waste a single one. If they bother to hit reply and type something out, you should read it. If you're product or service doesn't have the margin to allow for listening to your customers when they want to talk to you, then you're in trouble.

Can our emails read your mind? (Yes, well, kinda)

This week we flooded our readers' inboxes with a wide range of stories, semi-obnoxious headlines, serious opinions and a spattering of irreverent, odd-ball items of information from around the globe. We did this to get a better idea of just what interests our readership as a whole, and you personally. While the email technology can't read minds (literally), it can self-optimise.

7 things successful small businesses do online

Search online for any product/service and you will find a plethora of small businesses offering it for sale, either through their own virtual shop-fronts...

Here we go again

Everyone knows that business is all about cycles. What goes down must go up, and vice versa. With my dot-com scars so recently healed, I am loathe to be trumpeting another technology boom. But things are certainly afoot.
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How to secure lucrative sponsorships in five steps [CHEAT SHEET]

If you’re running an event or any major initiative, you’ve got overheads, marketing responsibilities and a small army of people counting on you. And, of...


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...