Tony Eades
Cut through the junk! Five easy steps to a more effective direct mail campaign
With the ease and popularity of electronic marketing on the rise, there has never been a better time to take a new look at direct marketing. But to cut through the overload of promotional material, catalogues, brochures and free samples that we are bombarded with everyday, you need to get a little creative, so here are five steps to keep you on track...
What’s on your business Bucket List for 2011?
How many times have you heard people say, “I’ll wait for the economy to pick-up” or “I’m getting ready for the next big wave”? If you only had a year to improve your business and get it running like a well-oiled, profit-making machine, would you sit and wait for the optimal external factors to arise?
Trade mark today to avoid legal issues tomorrow
So you’ve got a great idea for a business, a new product, a fashion label or even the next big craze. It’s all planned out – the business model, name and branding, website, marketing and even the premises. But there is one thing that you’ve left out – your trade mark. Tony Eades explains the necessity to trademark your brand to protect your business.
What are your logo colours really saying?
Corporate colours contain hidden meanings, so what are they secretly saying about your business?
How to spend a marketing budget of $5,000
So you’ve got $5,000 to market your business. What do you spend it on to get the ‘best bang’ for your buck?
Here are the top five marketing activities you should focus on to promote and grow your business with an investment of $5,000 – in order of importance.
Does your business need a new financial year makeover?
Are your sales declining, fewer prospects or more competitors in the marketplace? Maybe it’s time for a business “makeover”.
Creating a memorable customer experience
Attracting and retaining customers is all about the total experience of dealing with your business. That's why it is important to stimulate all five of your customers' senses every time they come into contact with your business.
Is your logo a ‘no-go’?
What do your logo colours secretly say about your business?
How to grow a business in tough economic times
During World War II when times were tough and money was tight, most businesses around the world were forced to make immediate cost-cuts.
The first...
How to choose a winning business name
Like many start-up businesses, you may consider mixing your name with your partner's name and come up with something like Jotom or Bevmax. Although that may mean something to you (and your partner), it says very little to your customers. Your business name should communicate what you 'do' or 'how' you do it.
How to market on a $5,000 budget
So you’ve got $5,000 to market your business. But what should you spend it on to get the ‘best bang’ for your buck?
Here’s the...