Tag: Customer Relations
Businesses know they need to put customers first but are held back by fear...
Australian businesses acknowledge they must evolve to become more customer centric but are held back by fear of failure among other factors.
Five reasons why your business isn’t attracting repeat customers, and what you can do...
Do your customers only come around once and never return? You must be wondering where you are going wrong.
In my experience, customers need three...
How to get first-time customers to come back for more and, bring their friends...
You wouldn't tolerate a rude salesperson in your store, would you? On that note, you shouldn't let your website get away with it either.
These two guys have developed a pram that grows with your baby… it comes...
A few years ago, while helping his parents with their wholesale flooring textiles company, Rosh Ghadamian was asked by a client for some help...
Believe me, you don’t need super powers to make your customers pay up on...
We recently reported how businesses nowadays have to wait up to eight weeks to be paid. So with the understanding of how essential a...
Customers are like toddlers: 6 training tips to get them paying on time
Small businesses need to start treating their customers like toddlers and train them to pay on time. Carl Taylor looks at six methods of getting your customers to pay up.
Why I don’t trust brands… even when they appear authentic.
We recently got slammed. Last week, I was cc’d on seven emails in the space of a minute. They were all from Wordpress, each one a comment from the mag nation blog waiting for approval. On further examination, the author of all seven comments was the same person, and they had posted the exact same comment on seven different blog posts.
Harness the long-lost ritual of seductive storytelling
Storytelling is a highly effective way to draw customers into your organisation, but how do you apply it in your business?
Keep your friends close and your competitors even closer
It is commonplace in business to look at what your competitors are doing and do your own carefully crafted version of that. Excuse me. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. There is nothing unique about reflecting the messages within your industry.
The customer is always right, except when we say they're wrong!
When we last left Mr 1% Spend, he was asking some tough finance and tech accountability questions of bemused Sydney business manager “George” and his increasingly exasperated cohorts. Today, the story reaches its climax as the author questions whether spending $15,000 to upgrade Microsoft Office is the most intelligent use of company funds.
The customer is always right, except when we say they’re wrong!
When we last left Mr 1% Spend, he was asking some tough finance and tech accountability questions of bemused Sydney business manager “George” and his increasingly exasperated cohorts. Today, the story reaches its climax as the author questions whether spending $15,000 to upgrade Microsoft Office is the most intelligent use of company funds.
Often customers don’t want to be wowed – they want to be ‘not dissatisfied’
There isn’t just satisfaction and dissatisfaction, there’s non-satisfaction and non-dissatisfaction too. It’s important to know the difference. I did some research once on bank customers and found out that they weren’t hoping for satisfaction, just no dissatisfaction. And it really made me think.
Lady Gaga sells the kind of porn that turns her clients on
Attracting new clients to your business can be as simple as finding out what turns them on. I’m talking about how to uncover the secret desires of your audience in order to really tickle their fancy and best excite and seduce them into becoming your clients.
Don’t ask customers why they left you!
Repeat or on-going customers leave a supplier for a combination of three main reasons.
Letter from Japan: Why Japan is a paradise for entrepreneurs
Doing business in Japan has often presented cultural difficulties for westerners. However, as our expat entrepreneur living in Tokyo Jon Sparks reveals in this new series, Japan might be in the shadow of the emerging markets of China and India, but is still one of the best places in Asia for entrepreneurs to operate.
Have you ever sacked a client?
Having just terminated a relationship with a client, David Moore considers the flawed client service model that sees the provider living on eggshells.
Will Apple ever grow up and seize a chunk of the business market? Well...
I often get accused of bashing Microsoft and Oracle. In the interests of balance, here’s my message to Apple:
If you want to go after enterprise business, make it a priority. Don’t toss it out there if it’s something you only plan to pursue in between hacky sack sessions and iPhone love-ins.
The 10 best strategic business slides of all time: #2 — Six buying roles
Nigel Malone keeps his favourite ten keynote slides related to strategic business development – his “Ten Commandments” – close to his chest at all times. Okay, sometimes he puts them down to bathe, but they are never far from his thinking. His favourite slide number 2 is Wind and Webster’s ‘Six buying roles’ model. Developed initially in the 1970s, it was designed to explain the many buying roles within a large organisation, but is equally applicable to a family unit facing the challenge of deciding upon what to eat for dinner.
How hard is it to get a new user?
If you developing a product or service that’s designed to meet a consumer’s need, here’s the reason why you can’t just be better than what currently exists. Or you can’t just be really useful. You have to be insanely, grossly, massively, obviously, simply and wonderfully useful.
The 10 Dumbest Business Moments for 2009. It’s time to vote!
Two weeks ago, we asked our readers to help us assemble our annual Dumb Report, a selection of Australian goofs, gaffs and groaners from...