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About 30under30 and the Editors’ Ten:
30under30 is an Anthill initiative launched in early 2008 to encourage and promote entrepreneurship among young Australians. This year saw a surplus of highly qualified entrants — far more than the 30 spots reserved for the best and brightest. We thought we would spotlight 10 innovative nominees who just missed the Top 30, yet impressed our judges enough to merit special attention. Behold, our Editors’ Choice Honourable Mentions for 2012! More.
Myron Festejo, NSW (b. 1986)
Name: Myron Festejo
Age: 25 (Born: 1986)
Gender: Male
State: NSW
Known for: My Shout
The thing about technology, laments Myron Festejo, is that everyone is connected but people never actually, you know, connect.
Festejo’s novel solution to inspire more human bonding in public spaces takes the form of My Shout.
It’s an app that lets friends invite others to drinks via ‘shouts’, or digital vouchers, that can be redeemed at the bar.
So far, 14 venues in Sydney have adopted the service, and Festejo is selling the benefits — greater human traffic, free Facebook publicity — to get more to sign on.
“We believe in hustling the streets and actively visit venues, arrange meetings with brands, and attend startup events,” he says.
And word is that an agreement with Australia’s major wine & spirits vendors could load the scales in My Shout’s favour.
Persevering in his day-to-day life in spite of a chronic muscular condition, Festejo knows how to find luck everywhere: “All the opportunities that have come our [the My Shout team’s] way have been just that — as a result of hard work and being in a position to capitalise on them.”
Anthill asks: Myron Festejo, what is your super power?
Inextinguishable fiery passion for life. Because no matter what happens in my life, I’ll never stop growing, developing, and enjoying my life. Except maybe when I die, maybe.
My Shout
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To check out the full list of Anthill’s 30under30 winners, click here.