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Marketing: what’s the buzz all about?

It's a concept that has taken on many names in recent times, including buzz marketing, viral marketing, word-of-mouth, word-of-mouse and stealth marketing. Whatever you call it, the concept is simple: using customers to create a conversation about a product or service.

Marketing: what's the buzz all about?

It's a concept that has taken on many names in recent times, including buzz marketing, viral marketing, word-of-mouth, word-of-mouse and stealth marketing. Whatever you call it, the concept is simple: using customers to create a conversation about a product or service.

Strategy: Cash is king

While sometimes apocryphal, start-up failure rates tell a sombre story: most start-ups don't see their third anniversary. This high attrition rate has many causes, but a primary factor is poor cash flow management.

Book reviews

Book Reviews

Follow the music

If you are at all interested in how technology and the internet are shaping media and culture, then pay a visit to, a website hosting a series of podcast interviews by digital media critic, Andrew Keen.

Just a few feet from easy street

Sick and tired of venture capitalists slamming their heavy, oak doors in your mush? Heck, even a cash injection of 50 grand would get your bright idea to the next stage, right? Fear not. Help is at hand.

The power of tittle-tattle

Greetings Anthillians! I've been sipping a glass of fine wine and contemplating the grapevine. Word of mouth has to be the most powerful form of advertising. How else could a brief conversation by the water cooler precipitate the purchase of a $300 dollar bottle of plonk? Professional antagoniser, Ray Beatty, is on the case.

Ahab's secret weapon

Before he abandoned his palaces for a hole and then a cell, Saddam Hussein had a reputation for being a bit of an adrenaline...

Ahab’s secret weapon

Before he abandoned his palaces for a hole and then a cell, Saddam Hussein had a reputation for being a bit of an adrenaline...

Ant Bytes — AA17

If you've ever received an invitation to a wedding being held interstate or overseas, you'll know that sharing the love can be expensive and time consuming. But with technology doing more and more of our leg work these days, more palatable options were bound to emerge.

Dr Don Fry – Aussie all-rounder

Dr Don Fry's ultimate objective in life is to see every home on Earth powered by sun and water. As owner and director of AIMTEK, Fry has designed and built 225 ships and trained 1,000 apprentices. Now he wants to fly from Sydney to London in two hours and unleash the sun's nuclear power.

Communication breakdown

Today, as I walk around the University campus everything is just as it should be. Students going to classes, tweed clad academics carrying laptops and books and above all I go unnoticed in my casual attire. Yesterday on the other hand was a different story...

Human caring for customers

How you meet, greet, and treat a customer is purely a matter of choice. Your own attitude and commitment to care is all that...

Surf’s up

Lists. Endless lists. The latest curse of the web are those endless swimming pools of customer data - most popular, most active, most tagged or downloaded. Personally, I hate them. They tell me nothing, other than other people's aggregated bad taste. Worse, they miss one of the internet's most subtle and powerful features - the discovery power of networks.

Surf's up

Lists. Endless lists. The latest curse of the web are those endless swimming pools of customer data - most popular, most active, most tagged or downloaded. Personally, I hate them. They tell me nothing, other than other people's aggregated bad taste. Worse, they miss one of the internet's most subtle and powerful features - the discovery power of networks.

Australia’s innovation blind spot

I recently had the good fortune to host the Commercialisation EXPO 2006 conference held in Melbourne. It covered all the right areas and was a great success, but it is clear that one troubling issue remains - the chasm between innovation and marketing is as wide today as it has ever been.

Australia's innovation blind spot

I recently had the good fortune to host the Commercialisation EXPO 2006 conference held in Melbourne. It covered all the right areas and was a great success, but it is clear that one troubling issue remains - the chasm between innovation and marketing is as wide today as it has ever been.

Patently Aggressive

Your IP is registered, but that’s no guarantee your livelihood is safe from harm. Without enforcement, those patent and trademark certificates aren’t worth the...

Medical tech: Good for what ails you

We often associate high tech with exciting gadgets, but it's easy to forget that technological advancements are responsible for saving thousands of lives every day. It's big business, with profound purpose. Catherine Kerstjens and Liz Heynes profile six "Medical and Scientific" category finalists from the 2006 Australian Design Awards.

IT security: the Danish pastry approach

You're in a bind - the IT guy keeps yammering on about security and the scare stories fill the press, but the costs seem excessive. With no water-tight guarantees, most security 'solutions' look like expensive snake oil. Could the solution be concealed within a popular baked confectionery? Colin Lewis thinks so.
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How to secure lucrative sponsorships in five steps [CHEAT SHEET]

If you’re running an event or any major initiative, you’ve got overheads, marketing responsibilities and a small army of people counting on you. And, of...


Ever considered crowdfunding? [FREE REPORT]

Liz Wald is Vice President of International for She has been terrifically successful raising funds through the crowd model.  One of her successes...


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...