Tag: symantec
Four tests for e-commerce providers (before they get the gig)
If you’re set to start an online business, your website will become your brand’s bread and butter. Therefore, having the right e-commerce solution is crucial.
New scam turns online job-seekers into unwitting money-launderers (LinkedIn used to recruit ‘money-mules’)
A new, nefarious twist on cybercrime is turning innocent jobs seekers into unwitting money-launderers. "The bad guys monitor legitimate job boards and recruitment websites, such as LinkedIn, and harvest personal information from job posts or resumes."
Talking Business Interview: Craig Scroggie of Symantec discusses cyber security
This week’s episode of Talking Business features an interview with Craig Scroggie, vice-president and managing director for the Pacific of Symantec, the world’s largest data security company. Mr Scroggie talks about the changes that technology has wrought on the world, the opportunities it has brought for business, education, healthcare, entertainment and individuals and the growing criminal practices – fraud, identity theft and more – that lurk in its darker corners and threaten us all.
Still scared of those three words, “I love you”? Six tips to thwart hackers...
It's been a whole decade since the Loveletter virus said "I love you" to millions of email recipients across the world and caused email systems to grind to a halt. Once upon a time, coke-gulping teens would write malicious code so that their friends, and possibly the geek world, would bow down to their cyber brilliance. These days, the motivation for disrupting a network is usually a commercial one.