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Older workers are actually better at tech than millennials – new Dropbox study

The idea that older workers struggle more than their younger colleagues with technology has been debunked by a comprehensive new survey by Dropbox.

Are you driving for a better deal for your household? Four out of five...

Whether or not times are tough, a dollar saved is a dollar earned. And it seems Australian households are getting better at the savings...

Is your boss a real Grinch bringing the whole operation down? Could be. Get...

Here’s something you’ve probably been suspecting for years that is not proven to be the case: The boss has a huge effect on whether that...
Here's your sign!

Freelancers are saying ‘bye-bye’ to regular jobs. Looks like ‘lazy, entitled’ millennials may actually...

One new survey, conducted by independent research firm Genesis Research Associates, examines perspectives on the future of work from 3,193 freelancers worldwide, including 1,958 Millennials (19 - 30 years old). Findings reveal a desire to follow individual paths to working freedom and flexibility. Since the survey also poses the conclusion that all that is required is an opportunity-seeking mentality, it would seem that Gen Y is ushering in a groundbreaking redefinition of what it means to be an entrepreneur.

You won’t believe how much work time is wasted on paper jams… but this...

Think a ton of time is wasted at the office water cooler? How about time squandered in dull meetings? You might be surprised to learn that those time-wasting activities pale in comparison to the amount of time flushed dealing with age-old office troubles like paper jams, printer failures, and copier crap-outs.

New survey is telling us which gen is more social and which is more...

Well, as you might have guessed, a whopping 78 per cent of Aussie businesses are planning to invest more time and dinero on social media in the coming year. Around 65 per cent of businesses surveyed recently report that social media has helped their business grow in recent times.

Stuck in the mud? Is a lack of company culture hurting your business? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Marketing budgets are always growing - this we know. But it's always intriguing to find out where the money is heading, what the challenges are, and what's working to gain ROI for a wide range of businesses. Responsys has just rolled out new findings that show how marketers are planning to direct their funds and their efforts for the remainder of this year. One of the more interesting challenges, according to the survey is company culture. As increased emphasis is placed on digital, it's no secret that brands are wrestling with it.

Ever wonder how much time is spent on emails? The answer might surprise you…

68 per cent of bosses spend more than two days out of a given week reading and responding to emails. Let that simmer for a moment. Okay, now that you've wrapped your head around that statement taken from research recently completed by Sydney employment law consultancy, Employsure, allow me to wrap you over the head with a few more jarring stats from the report. (You know you love the abuse!)

All I want for Christmas is a tech free holiday

Recently released, the 2012 Stayz Holiday Habits Report reveals that Australians are struggling to escape work or resist heavy use of social media while on annual leave, often to the detriment of relationships with their travelling companions. Commissioned by Australia’s leading holiday rental website Stayz.com.au, the research was conducted by Nielsen and surveyed 8,900 Australians.

New survey says mobile devices are changing the sales game

Australian consumers, much like those in other regions of the world, are making the shift mobile shopping in rapid leaps, according to a recent announcement by PayPal/Ebay. The emergence of new, portable devices is working hand in hand with an increase in behavioural shift on the part of consumers.

What does the average Australian blogger look like? You might be surprised

The average Australian blogger is female, has patrolled the blogosphere for one to three years, and has purchasing habits swayed heavily by product reviews online. That's the quick takeaway from an informal survey directed by blog advertising platform provider Nuffnang Australia.

So, you think starting a business is hard? Apparently, it’s not the most stressful...

A Newspoll survey, commissioned by Suncorp Life, has analysed what events are considered the most stressful for Australians. Having their house destroyed by natural disaster ranks in the first place, followed the by serious illness or injury. Curiously, many Australian men find marriage to be the most stressful event of their life.

Ever IM’ed a friend who was sitting in the same room? Survey reveals what...

A clear majority of Australians today value their laptops more than their TVs, according to a survey commissioned by Intel. With all the talk of the internet becoming a fourth utility in households, that finding may not surprise. But just how internet dependent are we? According to the same survey, a lot of us are now OK chatting online or Facebooking with someone within earshot.

Small banks and newcomers top People’s Choice banking poll

In the first annual People's Choice awards for Australia's Best Bank, 23,000 banking customers cast their votes online for their most preferred financial institution. The voting was conducted by Mozo, an online finance comparison and reviews service.

Things looking up for Australian businesses

Australian businesses are cautiously optimistic that overall business conditions will improve through the rest of 2009 according to the latest D&B National Business Expectations Survey released today.

Private Australian business sales on the rise again

The BizExchange Index for the June 09 quarter has been released and and it provides further evidence that the economy may have bottomed out.

Anthill talks up pitchclub on Sky News Australia

Sky News Business Channel reporter Brooke Corte talks to the founder and editor-in-chief of Anthill magazine about 'Pitch Club'.

Two Free Tickets – Domenic Carosa Workshop (Valued at $2,950 each!)

Domenic Carosa, a former BRW Young Rich List Member, is running a workshop designed to teach attendees how to accelerate business growth through the...

Survey finds 13 out of top 20 universities misspell "university" on their own website

spellr.us, the handy website spell-checking service run by Sydney-based Melon Media (past coverage here and here) has unveiled its annual Higher Education Online Content Survey - and the results are sure to cause some red faces in several ivory towers.

Survey finds 13 out of top 20 universities misspell “university” on their own website

spellr.us, the handy website spell-checking service run by Sydney-based Melon Media (past coverage here and here) has unveiled its annual Higher Education Online Content Survey - and the results are sure to cause some red faces in several ivory towers.
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The Top 5 Most Insanely Dumb Mistakes made by Rookie and...

LinkedIn is a professional and commercial platform. What you do on LinkedIn matters: it really matters, and if you’re not careful, your actions can backfire and tarnish your brand and your integrity. We're going to throw out a wild guess and say that you don’t want to get burned by your mistakes. Fair enough. This FREE REPORT from David Hobson has the five most common LinkedIn mistakes and what you can do to avoid them.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...