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Sex and the saleswoman. How to keep it professional

Women have many innate traits that potentially can help them rise to the highest levels in sales. They have a natural ability to really “listen” to their customers, recognise and understand others’ needs. What’s more, they are great at harnessing their emotional intelligence.

Stop undermining your own business. Why discounting is a bad idea

Do you cut prices, and give up your margin, because you don’t know how to say ‘no’?  If you do, it’s time you realise that it is no good for anyone — not you, your customer or the industry. 

Prospecting, prospecting, prospecting. Get your sales mantra right

Prospecting is the oxygen that fuels the fire of sales. Now, take a deep breath and grasp the full significance of that statement! Then, stop hyperventilating at the thought of selling, and read on. Simply put, there is no business without prospecting.

Stop taking it personally! Why ‘no’ doesn’t mean the end to your sales strategy

Many salespeople, especially those new to sales, expect people to like them and want to work with them. When they’re told ‘no’ they take it personally. What can you do to deal with a big, fat 'no'?

Believe it or not, death of the traditional field sales force is no exaggeration

Customers prefer to browse FAQ pages online, rather than encounter in-your-face sales representatives. When needed, they quickly email enquiries or call a customer service representative. It’s predicted that field sales force teams will no longer be required in the near future. With their days numbered, why are so many industries still insisting on hiring a strong sales force?

Top entrepreneurial qualities that sales people should employ (Or, Top sales skills that entrepreneurs...

You may be aware that I advocate the motto “everybody lives by selling something”. Whether you’re in sales or not you’re selling something of value, your services, skills, ideas or advice. Therefore, in sales, you don’t need to look far to get inspiration and tips for selling. If you see there is an industry or individual that is doing something great and becoming successful have a closer look at what they’re actually doing.

What buying decisions are your clients faced with?

A professional salesperson genuinely listens to customers, asks questions and works to meet their needs. They understand the “bigger picture” and the business environment and where both business and customer fit into the equation.

Five tips to master the art of continuous learning

To learn more and to be our best is often put on the back burner. It’s called continuous learning. It is what will set us apart in business. So, how do we learn more? Here are five tips to make continuous learning part of everything you do.

Ditch the script. Sales is about questions (and conversations).

A professional sales person communicates with all different types of people. The information you relay to a client and customer should be tailored for your audience. The best way to listen to a customer or client is to ask questions and listen to the answers. So, what are the values your clients hold dear?

Most underrated marketing tip: Networking

We’ve all heard the expression “it’s not what you know, but who you know”. In today’s business world, there is more competition than ever. Networking is becoming a fundamental skill to promote your business, its expertise and ultimately its growth.

Advertising, marketing, public relations… and selling

When we think of the marketing mix, the avenues of advertising, marketing and public relations normally spring to mind. It’s often difficult for many individuals and businesses to see past the television, print and radio ads, and publicity campaigns.

Stop trying to delight your customers; give them practical help instead

We all feel good when our customers are delighted. However, the longevity of your working relationship is not dependent forever rolling out shiny new sales and marketing services, but on how you can reduce the clients’ time spent on the basics.

Is there a place for emotions in business?

We are taught from an early age to mind our manners and, of course, being polite and courteous is important to everyday interactions and helps us relate with others. But what about our emotions? Our emotions are extremely powerful and can often determine the end result of important life experiences.

Need to sell but not a sales person?

In today’s world a good product is only one part of a sale, not the sale itself. A good salesperson is also not enough to secure a sale. Nowadays, many business people, business owners and individual professionals need to be able to make a sale but aren’t what we would traditionally call a ‘salesperson’.

Are you confusing your customers with too much information?

When it comes to selling, the internet means that consumers are now more aware, than ever before, of the different options available. But while new information enhances the power to choose, it also increases the power to confuse.

The ABC of effective selling [going back to the often-forgotten basics…]

Bold statement alert: Everybody lives by selling something. Why then do so many of us leave the sales process to chance? It’s interesting that the majority of Australian business leaders - whether from big business or the SME sector - all experience similar challenges with sales planning, sales prospecting and sales communication. Many businesses lack robust sales processes for its products, services and people - this is a big business blunder.
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How To Grow Your Business and Profits with Jason Cunningham [CHEAT...

Recorded guerrilla-style in the basement of York Butter Factory, the linked video course is a rollicking, authoritative lesson (with some colourful language, mind you) from someone who has been through it all. In this Cheat Sheet, we cover three hot tips from the lesson, with a focus on helping business owners grow and increase profitability: Why entrepreneurs need to think about “the end," why cash flow is king – no matter what you’ve heard, and why you need to have a vision for success.


How to secure lucrative sponsorships in five steps [CHEAT SHEET]

If you’re running an event or any major initiative, you’ve got overheads, marketing responsibilities and a small army of people counting on you. And, of...


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...