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The best salespeople are spending an hour and half a day on social media...

New research from LinkedIn has revealed that Aussie salespeople who spend up to an hour and half a day on average on social media are more successful

Jordan Belfort, The Wolf Of Wall Street, talks about success, sales and the elements...

In the 1990s, Jordan Belfort soared to the highest financial heights, earning over $50 million a year as the notorious “Wolf of Wall Street,” and then sunk to the lowest societal lows, succumbing to a massive drug addiction and spending twenty-two months in a federal prison camp. In this Q&A interview with Alex Pirouz, he talks about the elements necessary to be successful in business, growing a company, and how to motivate sales staff to perform at their optimum level.

Five sales mistakes guaranteed to dampen morale and make your business less money

Having been part of many sales teams throughout my career, I’ve noticed five common challenges with the power to dampen morale and reduce sales performance. Found to some degree in almost every organisation, savvy management teams are aware of these challenges and work to avoid their potentially destructive impact. Here are five sales mistakes guaranteed to make your business less money.

How to achieve more sales with less: 7 steps to increasing sales and gaining...

Trying to run the whole business yourself is not only stressful for you, the business owner, but also for the staff, who feel inadequate and unchallenged. But how do you drive revenue and increase sales if you have a very tight budget and you really can’t afford to hire sales staff on a full or part time basis? In short, the business owner must get more creative. Here are seven different strategies any business owner can employ to not only increase sales but also systemise the sale process – and do more in less time.

Australian sales professionals are optimistic about the economy, according to a recent survey.

As a barometer for the overall economy, Australian sales professionals are optimistic they will meet or exceed their quarterly targets, according to a recent survey. Of 493 employees interviewed by Huthwaite Asia Pacific for its quarterly sales survey, 73% said their goals for the June quarter were well within reach -- or would be surpassed. When the same question was posed for the year's first quarter, 62% answered positively.

If you want to sell to me, sell me

Good sales staff are worth their weight in gold. Mediocre sales staff are a dime a dozen. But the worst sales staff don't just phone it in, they get someone else to do it. Mr 1% Spend has had enough.

Most customers think you're a liar

New research by Melbourne Business School Professor Karen Jehn has revealed that, in 80 percent of cases, customers who were actually being told the truth thought that they were being lied to.

Most customers think you’re a liar

New research by Melbourne Business School Professor Karen Jehn has revealed that, in 80 percent of cases, customers who were actually being told the truth thought that they were being lied to.
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Most small business owners get caught up in the minutiae of a business. They become trapped like a hamster in a wheel, spinning, spinning, spinning,...


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...