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Is Twitter the start of Web 3.0?

The people at the pointy end of the internet pecking order are already talking about and planning the Semantic Web - or Web 3.0 - which is meant to help us make sense of all of this data. So what is Web 3.0 and what does it have to do with Twitter? To explain, let's start back a few years...

Are these the first signs of The Great Recovery?

So how did 'The Great Recession' on Monday become "The Great Recovery' by Friday? Well it didn't, but in between the beginning and end of the week, we did have a remarkable run of good data to boost our spirits (such evidence is now better known as 'green shoots' after US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke used the term to describe a positive run of data showing signs of a possible recovery).

I see REDD, I see REDD, I see REDD

Okay, this is, for some people, going to be an uncomfortable column to read as I am going to seriously challenge what for many seems like an obvious 'conventional wisdom'. In many cases it is better for the planet if you offset your carbon emissions than if you reduce them via your own in-house efficiencies. The woman with the fully carbon offset Hummer is probably a better friend to the planet than the man in his non-offset Prius.

How social networks are transforming TV

Social networks are fundamentally reshaping the newspaper and TV industries worldwide. In an earlier article, "What the newspaper industry needs to do to survive", I explained the changing dynamics of the newspaper industry. In this article I look at where TV is headed.

12 months on from Commercial Ready axing, Australian companies are hurting

Nearly 12 months after the Federal Government's surprise decision to axe the popular Commercial Ready Grant Scheme, Nick McNaughton embarked on a mission - to plot the impact of its closure on Australian innovation. In his first report, McNaughton heads to the coal-face, seeking feedback from those most affected by the cut - technology developers and members of the early-stage investment community.

What the newspaper industry needs to do to survive

Frankly, it sounds like newspapers are struggling to understand the opportunities and rules that govern the online world. There is a whole generation that has grown up with the concept of freemium economics. Try to charge them for something they have always had for free and you’ll lose them altogether. They need to remember that their main customers are advertisers.

10 Ways to pump up your profits in May

Your goal in these challenging times is to keep focusing on how you can generate more income for your business. Keep asking yourself: "Is this the best use of my time? Is this going to generate more money for my business?" If it is not, stop doing it, or outsource it.

How Russian Roulette could save your business

When two people decide to start a business together, it's hard for them to see how this promising relationship might one day turn sour. Managing the end-game is something to get right at the beginning with a stakeholders agreement. Russell Wheeler explains why.

Website of the Week: Business Exchange

The real value in this new digital media landscape rests with networks and the ability to extract what is interesting and useful from the cacophony created online by pornographers, pontificators and penny-stock pushers. Last August, US business magazine BusinessWeek lifted the lid on Business Exchange, a social media initiative that it had been developing for two years.

21 things to consider before carrying out redundancies

Most business owners stress out at the thought of redundancies. It is very important to find a middle ground (it will never be a perfect balance) between acting under the legal and commercial requirements and responding humanely to people's lives being affected so dramatically. Here are 21 things you must consider before carrying out redundancies.

Me, ‘tall poppy’? Thanks!

Forget about Australia's 'Tall Poppy Syndrome'. What we really need is a 'Small Poppy Syndrome'.

National Broadband Network a leap into the future… at last

The Federal Government's new $43 billion National Broadband Plan promises to deliver Australians far more than fast movie downloads, writes telecommunications analyst Paul Budde.

A Smarter Planet: The Next Leadership Agenda

As the world wakes up to the danger and promise of global integration, Australia's business and political leaders have a choice. Will we content ourselves with surviving the storm, or will we use this opportunity to change the game by infusing intelligence into the systems that support our economy and our society?

The future of finance

As a new generation of Gordon Gekko's fry under the blowtorch of angry shareholders and world leaders brace themselves for the bill from mass bailouts, it's easy to answer the question, "What is the future of finance?" by simply asking another: "Is there a future for finance?"

How the greatest movie one-liners of all time can inspire your business

It's not called the silver screen for nothing. Improve the return on your marketing investment using these unforgettable classics to find, attract and retain...

Website of the Week: Conspicuous wealth never goes out of fashion

Listening to everyone bang on about cost-cutting, home foreclosures and delayed retirements must be mighty wearying for the über rich. Fortunately, those who have more money than they know what to do with can leave the bear-with-a-toothache investment market alone for a while and indulge in several innovative new spending options.

21st Century management strategies for recession-proofing your business

For these businesses (and their owners) to survive this rapidly changing economic environment intact, they just can't continue to do everything by themselves. To be successful, they need to have an experienced team around them to provide the information, experience and support to meet these growing challenges. This team needs to be able to provide the experienced advice that is needed. They need to know how to handle a difficult economic environment. They need to be flexible. And they need to be affordable for the business.

5 reasons your problems aren't being solved (and 5 ways to solve them)

Without knowing it, we're constantly hindering ourselves from thinking productively and solving problems. The good news is, this is easy to remedy. Here are five things we do that hinder productive thought and five things we can do to think better.

5 reasons your problems aren’t being solved (and 5 ways to solve them)

Without knowing it, we're constantly hindering ourselves from thinking productively and solving problems. The good news is, this is easy to remedy. Here are five things we do that hinder productive thought and five things we can do to think better.

Is this possibly the stupidest headline you've read all year?

We decided to ask you, our very innovative readers, to tell us how you have tweaked your own business models to build new revenue streams and make money in this destructively distracting economic climate (rather than 'save' it). And, of course, we'll publish the most interesting, innovative, inspiring and instructional in our Apr/May/Jun print edition.
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How to expand into New Markets with Elsita Meyer-Brandt [CHEAT SHEET]

Most organisations begin with aspirations to start local, then grow global. But, in reality, very few ever take the big leap into new markets. In this Cheat Sheet, Elsita Meyer-Brandt, Head of Market Expansion and International Marketing for Eventbrite, shares five rules to help organisations, just like yours, expand into new markets.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...