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Tag: eric schmidt

The Big Data of You: How your online reputation shapes economic outcomes

However, so far big data has focused on aggregating large data sets that group people based on shared characteristics and behaviours. It’s your similarity to the group that matters, not you as an individual.

Health tech start-up GKC raises $14.8 million with $1.5 million of it secured via...

Equity crowdfunding platform OurCrowd has raised AUD$1.5 million for private Australian mobile health tech company Global Kinetics Corporation (GKC), as part of its recent...

What’s going to be big in 2014? Ask a billionaire who may know a...

This video, for Bloomberg, has Eric Schmidt, the Executive Chairman of Google sprout his big predictions for 2014. He shares his thoughts on big data,...

biNu snaps $2 million in quest to deliver smarts to dumb phones

biNu, a four-year-old Sydney startup, is not the only one seeking to do so but might have just became the most high-profile one – what with a $2 million funding round led by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt’s TomorrowVentures, and including WorldReader founder David Risher and other private investors in Australia and the U.S.

2016 ‘millennium’ glitch delivers text messages from the future

We'd barely concluded our 2009 Dumb Report rankings earlier this week when the Twittersphere lit up with reports that a "sizeable" number of Bank of Queensland and BankWest ATM and eftpos machines had malfunctioned due to an internal glitch of 'millenium' proportions.

2016 'millennium' glitch delivers text messages from the future

We'd barely concluded our 2009 Dumb Report rankings earlier this week when the Twittersphere lit up with reports that a "sizeable" number of Bank of Queensland and BankWest ATM and eftpos machines had malfunctioned due to an internal glitch of 'millenium' proportions.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt shares his vision for the future web

It's always interesting when important people share their predictions for the future, largely because they actually have a good chance of making them happen. Google CEO Eric Schmidt recently appeared at Gartner Symposium in Orlando, Florida to discuss web developments and trends. The full 45-minute original video is below. If you only have a few minutes, below that is a six-minute except that TechCrunch deemed the most interesting bit.

Innovation has nothing to do with downturns. Just ask Eric Schmidt.

You may have noticed that every second Thursday, over the last few months, I have posted a blog on a topic that explores entrepreneurship....
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Seven steps to crafting the perfect email, with James Tuckerman [FREE...

We are all bombarded by emails every day. We bombard others with emails. It’s a congested superhighway of e-promises, lead magnets and chit chat out there. So how on Earth are your emails going to stand out? James Tuckerman is a man who knows a thing or ten about online marketing. In this cheat sheet, he shares seven steps to achieve two very clear goals: Opens and click throughs.


Need cash for your startup or innovation? Here’s the Ultimate Grant...

Have a new business? Are you developing something AWESOME! Well, you're going to need some funding. Here are 12 resources available to people like you, right now.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...