Tag: business idea
To startup or not to startup? 5 questions to find out if your business...
The ability to evaluate a business idea is a valuable skill that could not only save you time and money, preventing you from starting a non-viable business, but also help you understand how you can grow and scale the business once it's established.
Reading about his future competitor in the paper inspired this entrepreneur’s idea
In July 2012, while managing a large Westpac branch, he came across an interview with the founder of a well-known personal budgeting company which claimed they had created a new category in personal finance.
Need to raise capital? How your start-up can use crowdfunding to get off the...
The biggest mistake you can make when pitching your company to a crowdfunding platform is to over-value your company. A good business idea is a powerful thing but without funding it will likely come to nothing. So don’t make the mistake of assuming the idea is worth more than the funding that will make it a reality.
4 things you need to do to kick-start your business idea into a successful...
There are no wrongs or rights when it comes to starting out - mistakes are part of learning - but here are four tips on starting a successful business.
TEENtrepreneurs need to build business ideas that ignite their imagination
Although much can be learnt from failed companies, most teenage entrepreneurs are just starting out, and it can be demoralising to have your very first company fizzle. That is why it is very important that you try to start a business that intrigues you or is in a rapidly changing industry. Here, 18-year-old Aonghus Stevens offers some advice to fellow under-20 business builders and aspiring teenpreneurs.
That’s outrageous! What ‘Low-Panting’ can teach us about new ideas
From Levi Strauss’ canvas pants to the minimalism of Twitter, every invention has its detractors. While Ryan Spanger counts himself among the indignant, he suspects something is amiss in our rush to judgement. When we learn to think beyond our gut reactions, he argues, we learn how to make innovation work for us.