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Cool Company Awards
The Cool Company Awards were launched in 2006 as a way for Anthill to acknowledge and celebrate Australian organisations that are doing things differently to bring about positive change. Cool Companies stay one step ahead of the rest. They breed leaders who are rule-makers and rule-breakers. They are trend-setters in attitude and action. Quite simply, they are … cool! More.
Bonjoro [Winner, MOBILE]
Company: Bonjoro (Vimily Pty Ltd)
State: NSW
Category: Mobile
In the beginning, the team behind Bonjoro simply wanted to have some fun, build something cool, and see if they could have an impact on the world, by helping people tell their story.
Bonjoro is a video messaging app that lets staff thank customers, one-to-one, and rebuild relationship with those customers, potentially for life. You might say that the application takes personalisation to a whole new level.
“We go for grand innovation,” Bonjoro’s Matt Barnett recently told Anthill Online.
“We’ve championed smartphone video as a communication tool and launched the first ever video survey tool, and we’re now launching the first personal video messaging tool for brands.”
The company’s product is serious, as are the results it delivers for clients, but, Matt also tells us, it’s not all business, all the time, at the organisation’s HQ.
“Bear suits,” he adds, surprisingly, “We currently have around 20, and now we’ve found a manufacturer to create our own custom bear suits branded up. It’s a thing.”
“We wear bear suits to work. Not because we have to, but because its hilarious. We like to make everyone smile. If you come for an interview there is a bear suit waiting, you better enjoy it!”
There is nothing, at present, bearish about Bonjoro’s business though. The company is breathing fresh life back into the oft-touted concept of personalisation by talking, directly, not auto-magically, with each of its customers.
The result, the company tells us, is the proof in the pudding.
“70% of responses to Bonjoro messages have the word “love” in them,” Matt concludes, “Nothing gets that much love, nothing we’ve ever seen.”